tort action

[法] 侵权诉讼

  • Environment tort is a conception that is belonged to tort action law it is damage action on personal rights and property rights because of damage environment by production and life action .

    环境侵权是 侵权 行为法范畴内的概念,是因生产和生活行为侵害环境并因而对他人的人身权、财产权等权益造成损害的行为。

  • But we have gone into a network society quickly tort action for invasion privacy in network is getting more and more serious which has hampered the progress of network economy .

    但是,我国已经 快步进入网络社会, 侵犯网络隐私权的事件日益增多,阻碍了网络经济的发展,仅以现有 手段保护网络隐私权是远远不够的。

  • It is becoming more and more important to restrain tort action and protect the interest of obligee with the increasing cases of tort on international intellectual property field .

    随着国际知识产权领域侵权现象的增加,如何及时制止 侵权 行为、保护权利人的利益已经是国际知识产权保护面临的一大难题。

  • Knotty Problems and Countermeasures of Tort Action on Patent

    专利 侵权 诉讼中疑难问题及对策

  • Again the Court found no due process violation because the prisoner could have sought redress through a tort action .

    最高法院再次认定不存在违反正当程序的行为,因为该犯人可以通过 侵权 诉讼寻求补偿。

  • Chapter Three presents the theory and practice in distribution of burden of proof in environmental tort action ;

    第三章阐述国内外环境 民事 诉讼举证责任分配理论与实践;

  • There are many problems in tort action for medical malpractice which mostly exist in allocating burden of proof .

    医疗 侵权 诉讼的许多问题突出反映在证明责任分配之中。

  • At the beginning of 2002 the Supreme Court finally agreed to accept cases of civil tort action of securities but only accepted cases of misstatement and established procedural prerequisite .

    2002年年初,最高法院终于同意受理证券民事 侵权 诉讼案,但只受理虚假陈述案件并设立了前置程序。

  • Legal Status of the Guardian in Tort Action

    监护人在 侵权 诉讼中的法律地位

  • This article also points out that civil tort action of securities ' encouragement at present in our country has special value namely reinforcing corporate governance ;

    文章进一步指出,我国现阶段鼓励证券民事 侵权 诉讼有以下特别价值:加强公司治理;

  • Researches on the Allocating Burden of Proof in Tort Action for Medical Malpractice

    医疗 侵权证明责任分配与风险分担

  • Analyzing System Designing in Environmental Pollution Tort Action in the Light of the Features

    由环境污染侵权的特征看环境污染 侵权 诉讼中的制度设计

  • Based on the complexity and potentiality of the influence of environmental tort procuratorial organs should be granted the right of preceding investigation and the right of evidence collection in the environmental tort action for public interests .

    基于环境侵权影响的复杂性、潜在性,在环境 侵权公益 诉讼中应当赋予检察机关前置审查权和调查取证权。

  • On Civil Tort Action of Securities ' Nature and Value

    论证券民事 侵权 诉讼的性质与价值

  • The recognition of traffic accident which is formed by the management of administrative power is almost decisive to tort action .

    行政权力运作之下形成的事故认定,对 侵权 诉讼几乎具有决定性的意义。

  • Refer to the case of public figures it should be the proof one sound plaintiff should bear burden of proof both of news tort action damage results the reason and results of tort and damages and proof of subjective fault .

    涉及公众人物的案件,实行谁主张,谁举证,原告对新闻 侵权 行为、损害结果、侵权行为与损害结果之间的因果关系、被告存在主观过错均负证明责任。

  • This article argues that civil tort action of securities is action of public benefit because the object infringed by civil trespass of securities is public interests and because the interest protected by civil tort action of securities is public interests too .

    文章认为,证券民事 侵权 诉讼是一种公益诉讼,因为证券民事侵权 行为所侵犯的对象是社会利益,同时证券民事侵权诉讼所保护的利益基本上也是社会利益。

  • The law provides causation presumption in environmental tort action because of the particularity of the causation in environmental tort liability .

    由于环境侵权责任因果关系的特殊性,法律规定在环境 侵权 诉讼中实行因果关系推定。

  • Discussion on compensation for moral damage in medical tort action

    论医疗 侵权 案件中的精神损害赔偿

  • Section B clarifies the securities fraudulence can form a tort action .

    第二节阐明了证券欺诈行为可以构成 侵权 行为

  • This article points out that there are four values in civil tort action of securities that is loss compensation ;

    文章指出,证券民事 侵权 诉讼的主要价值有四:填补损失;

  • The article analyzes the reasons of the People 's Supreme Court 's non-adoption of American class action from legal economical and political perspectives and suggests that there are three limitations in the application of joint litigation to tort action of securities .

    最高人民法院之所以排除美国式集团诉讼有法律、经济、政治三方面原因,而且证券 民事 侵权 诉讼适用共同诉讼有三大局限性。

  • Similar with the general tort the fraud tort is made up of four key elements : the tort action the damage fact causality between the tort action and the damage fact and on purpose to form .

    与一般侵权行为类似,欺诈侵权行为由欺诈 行为、损害事实、侵权行为与损害后果之间的因果关系和故意四个要素构成。

  • Applicants who have to modify the claims made to modify a statement of opinion then the patent is invalid or tort action the alleged infringer can be recorded in the patent document requested the Court to make a consistent interpretation of claims .

    申请人一旦对权利要求进行修改或作出了修改意见陈述,那么在专利无效或 侵权 诉讼中,被控侵权人就可以根据专利文件中记载的内容,请求法院对权利要求作出前后一致的解释。

  • The author surveyed that the rules and theory of civil law system and common law system about malicious prosecution and point out that malicious prosecution which is a type of tort action deriving from common law .

    通过比较,笔者得出两个结论,其一是:大陆法与 英美法中,程序法与实体法对恶意 诉讼的规制不同。

  • Here author prefers two problems to be research objectiVes : One is the analysis of the tort action on service trademark right .

    本文选取了现在越来越多的服务商标 侵权 行为以及企业如何进行反服务商标侵权进行研究。

  • Because the related laws and regulations are incomplete a series of problems exist in tort action on patent in practice .

    在相关的法律、法规尚不健全的情况下,专利 侵权 诉讼实践中存在一系列问题。

  • According to the current laws when tort and breach of contract concur moral damage can only be redressed through tort action but compensation for damage of performance interest can not be converted simultaneously .

    对侵权与违约竞合下的精神损害,按照现行法律规定,只有通过 侵权 进行救济,但同时不能获得对履行利益损害的赔偿。

  • The adjustment of environmental tort action is a very important part in the environmental law of many countries and then forms a series of legal systems .

    对环境 侵权 行为的调整是目前各国环境法的一个重要部分,并逐渐形成了一系列法律制度。