The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face .
因孩子被绑架所 受 的 万分 折磨全写在她脸上。
He had lain awake all night tormented by jealousy .
他彻夜未眠, 深受嫉妒的 折磨。
What a little torment that child is !
这孩子 老 爱 跟 人 起腻。
No matter how many times I tried to convince him I was fine he continued to torment himself .
无论我跟他说了多少次我没事,他还是一个劲儿地 折磨自己。
My older brother and sister used to torment me by singing it to me .
哥哥姐姐以前常唱那首歌来 戏弄我。
In my books I reveal the immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth in the near future .
在我的书我揭示了巨大的灾难,快要 折磨在不久的将来地球。
It now becomes an unbearable torment .
它现在又变作一种不能忍受的 折磨。
But I have spent the last 15 years in torment !
但我在15年中则 饱受 折磨!
That child is a real torment .
这孩子可真 磨 人。
At times the memories returned to torment her
有时,她 再度想起往事,又 会 痛苦 万分 。
But hannibal 's demons visit him and torment him .
但是,汉尼拔的恶魔们降临到他身上, 折磨他。
Also let my heart pay too many . But I am imagining to embezzle to suffer to torment .
也让我的心付出了太多。而我却在憧憬中饱受 着 折磨。
Dare you torment an old man ?
你居然敢 折磨 羞辱一个老人家?
And I love it when you tease and torment me ;
并爱你也同样戏弄和 折磨我;
Jealousy began to torment him .
猜忌的心理开始来 折磨他了。
I will torment you no more .
我再也不会 让你 痛苦了。
There is no truer torment for my soul than to know you unwell and unhappy .
让我知道你生病和不高兴是对我精神最大的 折磨。
To be able to talk to other people helps you escape from that torment .
能够与其他人交谈,有助于你逃离那种 痛苦。
Just living in the same house with him was a torment .
和他在同一个屋檐下生活是一种 折磨。
Torment me no longer .
别再 折磨我了!
He is free from all'complexes'and obsessions the worries and troubles that torment others .
他从所有的情结和困扰,担忧和所有 折磨他人的烦恼之中解脱出来了。
My wife is a real torment to me .
我的老婆真 令我 苦恼。
But of torment and despair .
但是, 痛苦和绝望。
But for them the treasure turned into a torment .
但是对于他们而言,珍宝变成了 痛苦。
Outdoors mosquitoes and midges were a perpetual torment .
在户外,蚊子和蠓虫永远 让人不得 安生。
What a torment this illness is !
这病真 磨人!
He spent days in torment while the police searched for his stolen car .
在警方搜寻他遭窃汽车的同时,他在 极度 苦恼中过了好些天。
Tonight you saved my life sergio . a life of torment and suffering .
塞尔吉奥,今天晚上你救了我的命, 受 折磨的痛苦的生命。
Well I don 't torment people I don 't know .
好了,我不喜欢 折磨我不了解的人。
vt.& vi.使折磨,使痛苦使烦乱纠缠