tie in

[taɪ ɪn][tai in]


  • If you have enough tie in a figure-8 cos'it 's easier to untie later .

    然后你可以打个 ,如果够长的话就打八字结,因为之后比较好解。

  • Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army

    我们的婚礼要和戴维 退伍 时间 吻合

  • He adjusted his tie in a mirror .

    他照镜子调整 领带

  • How does it tie in with his criticism of those who locate the origin of morality in its utility ?


  • The economy the environment and social development all tie in together .

    经济、环境和社会发展问题是相互 关联、密不可分的。

  • His beliefs didn 't seem to tie in at all with reality .

    他的信仰似乎与现实完全不 协调

  • I think it is correct to wear a suit and a tie in a banquet .

    我觉得 参加宴会穿西装,打 领带是很得体的。

  • Marsden 's conclusions tie in with our theory perfectly .


  • I want to get a job that would tie in with my studies .

    我大学学的是 商业管理,我想找一个与所学知识有 关联的工作。

  • We are asking all our guests to wear a jacket and a tie in our restaurant .

    我们要求我们所有的客人, 我们餐厅里穿夹克和戴 领带

  • The police found a fact that might tie in with the murder case .

    警察发现一桩可能与 案有关的事实。

  • The one place you might see a bow tie in a professional environment is on an elderly well-dressed partner ; no one thinks this is out of place because it is associated with their old-school values .

    一个专业工作环境 ,打 领结的通常是上了年纪、衣着光鲜的合伙人,没人认为有何不妥,因为这与他们守旧的价值观相关。

  • I once caught my tie in the vice .

    有一次我的 领带被虎头钳夹住了。

  • When the machine is ready we will tie in the new system of accounting .

    机器械一准备好,我们就 新的记账系统 连接 上去

  • Your findings tie in with our own satellite observation reports .

    你的发现与我们自己的卫星观测报告是 相符的。

  • Don 't wash that silk suit and tie in the washer !

    不要把那套丝质西装和 领带洗衣机洗!

  • This is an intriguing theory that droughts tie in with the sunspot .

    这是一个关于干旱与太阳 黑子活动周期有关的令人感到有趣的理论。

  • How does this tie in with the twelve information centers ?

    如何与这十二个信息中心 绑定 连接

  • How does this entity class tie in with a database ?

    这个实体类如何与数据库 联系 起来

  • He also talked about creating multi-media concerts that would tie in his performances with stories about people the foundation helps .

    他也谈到了会 穿插 其表演中的创造性的多媒体音乐会,其中有关于基金会帮助的人们的故事。

  • Wearing a white tie in China signals a period of mourning .

    中国, 白领带是悼念的时候 的。

  • I 'd also like to see the tie in the showcase .

    我想看看陈列柜 的那 领带

  • Does this sash tie in front or at the back ?

    这腰带是 前面 打结还是在后面?

  • You 'd better adjust your tie in a mirror .

    你最好照镜子整理一下 领带

  • These studies tie in nicely with a familiar concept .

    这些研究和一个熟悉的概念 紧密 联系着。

  • They tie in closely with the basic concepts of the communication process .

    这些 原则与交流过程中的基本概念密切相关。

  • Where does this line tie in with the main circuit ?

    这条线 哪里跟主线路 连接 一起呢?

  • The company regulates that men should wear a suit and tie in business meeting .

    公司规定男士 商业会议上必须穿西装 领带

  • The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out .

    丹麦人 点球大战中 胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。

  • You can directly tie in to this energy of unity what we will call the expanding unity .

    你可以直接 上我们将称之为扩展 的统整性的这股一体性能量。