


  • All the rats were sacrificed 10 weeks after operation and their right proximal tibiae were processed and decalcified for quantitative bone histomorphometry . The bone weight ( ash content ) and contents of calcium and phosphorus in right humerus were measured .

    10周后处死动物并取右 胫骨 脱钙骨切片进行骨计量学测定,并测定肱骨重量,无机质重量及骨钙、磷含量等。

  • Investigation of analgesic effect of midazolam injected into children 's canalis sacralis It is highly suggested axis radiograph of the knee with the tibiae tuberositas localization are helpful to early diagnosis .

    小儿骶管注射咪唑安定镇痛作用探讨采用的膝关节轴位 胫骨结节定位投照法准确、易操作,有助于早期诊断。

  • Result Right tibiae had markedly less deformities than left ones at 4 8 and 12 weeks after transfer of cultured cartilages .

    结果移植培养软骨4、8、12周时右侧 胫骨畸形增加程度显著低于左侧。

  • Histological and Immunohistochemical ( IHC ) Analyses Following the pull-out test the peri-implant proximal tibiae were formalin-fixed and decalcified using 12 % EDTA before paraffin-embedding .

    组织学和免疫组织学检查拔钉实验后收集胫骨近端的组织。应用福尔马林缓冲液固定, 12%EDTA脱钙,石蜡包埋。

  • Paired cadaver tibiae were used to make fracture fixation models .

    选用配对尸体 胫骨标本制作骨折内固定模型。

  • METHODS : Bone marrow MSCs were obtained by density gradient centrifugation from the tibiae of 54 male SD rats .

    方法:选用54只雄性SD大鼠,密度梯度离心法分离骨髓间充质干细胞( MSCs)。

  • The deformities of left tibiae had developed . Bone bridges formed in defects of growth plates which were early closed .

    左侧 胫骨畸形加重,生长板缺损 内骨桥形成,提前闭合。

  • Experimental samples were divided to three groups : ( 1 ) Part drug group : the hydroxyapatite bone cement / norvancomyicn ( HAC / NVCM ) compound was implanted to tibiae of rabbit .

    实验组分为(1)局部用药组:HAC中加入去甲万古霉素,植入家兔 胫骨上端;

  • Methods The study had founded the animal model of Osseo-integration by implanting the titanium implants on the tibiae of rabbits . After radiotherapy the animal models with implants accepted hyperbaric oxygen therapy . The changes of morphology were observed and the parameters of bone histomorphometry were determined .

    方法通过兔 胫骨 内植入纯钛植入体,建立植入体骨整合的动物模型,并在此基础上进行放疗,对种植后颌骨放疗进行高压氧恢复治疗,通过形态学观察和骨计量学参数的测定。

  • Clinical features and choice of operations for tibiae fractures caused by traffic accidents

    交通伤致 胫骨骨折的特点及手术的选择

  • Quantitative study on the effect of osthole on proximal tibiae in ovariectomized ( ovx ) rats

    蛇床子素对去卵巢大鼠近侧 胫骨 代谢影响的定量研究

  • After the animal models of osteoporosis established Implant two titanium screw Micro-implants into the Proximal metaphyses of tibiae of every rabbit .

    模型确立后,在三组兔胫骨近干 端处分别植入两枚微种植体,微种植体之间间距为2cm。

  • The intact left tibiae were fixed by 316L stainless steel plate .

    采用316 L不锈钢接骨板在左 胫骨 固定。

  • Results ( 1 ) There were significant differences in bone densities or bone mine contents of metaphyses of bilateral tibiae among each group of rats .

    结果(1)各组大鼠在 右侧 胫骨干骺端处的骨密度和骨矿含量均差异有显著意义,其中 模型组最低。

  • Right tibiae grew better and developed into markedly less varus and shortened deformity than left ones in group A B ( P < 0.01 ) .

    A、B组右侧 胫骨生长显著优于左侧,内翻和短缩畸形 右侧较左侧轻(P<0.01)。

  • Histological sections of newborn mice tibiae were stained for safranine-fast green to observe the growth plate morphology . 3 .

    利用藏红固绿染色观察新生小鼠 胫骨生长板软骨发育情况。

  • Six patients had small avulsion fractures 2 combined with meniscus injury 10 had soft tissue swelling behind the tibiae .

    其中6例有小骨 撕脱,2例合并有半月板损伤,10例 后软组织肿胀。

  • All of left tibiae received the same surgical procedure but without the engineered cartilage implantation as control groups .

    左侧 胫骨 相同手术 造成缺损,但无植入 充填作为对照组。

  • Twelve weeks after surgery pure screw titanium implants were placed in the proximal metaphyses of the tibiae of rats in both groups . The rats were killed at 4 and 12 weeks after implant surgery .

    术后12周于大鼠 胫骨处植入纯钛螺纹状种植体,并于种植术后4周及12周分两批处死大鼠;

  • The tibiae with allografts of cultured cartilages had no evident deformities after 16 weeks of operation . Histologic examination showed nearly closure of growth plates .

    16周时移植侧 胫骨 无明显畸形,组织学检查显示生长板已近闭合。

  • The tibiae were lengthened from 3.5 to 5.5 cm with a mean of 4.4 cm ;

    12例中 胫骨延长从3.5~5.5cm,平均4.4cm;

  • Left and right tibiae were randomly distributed into two groups .

    左右 随机分入两组中。

  • All paired cadaver tibiae were divided into group A and B with 6 in each group .

    全部配对的尸体 胫骨标本分A、B两组,每组6例。

  • The ultrasonic backscatter signals from bovine tibiae and human calcaneus cancellous bone in vitro were investigated by performing Autoregression ( AR ) cepstrum and the mean spacing of trabecular bones in cancellous bone was estimated .

    对牛 胫骨和人离体跟骨松质骨中的超声背散射信号采用AR倒谱法进行了分析,并估计了牛胫骨和人离体跟骨中骨小梁的平均间距。

  • When the calcium carbonate were added bone Ca were increased and bone F decreased statistically and the BMD both tibiae and L5 increased statistically to model group .

    补钙后,增加了骨钙,降低了骨氟,提高了 胫骨及L5的骨密度。

  • Methods A total of 15 pig tibiae were used to test the cancellous bone porosity their relative density and the material density with the direct method and the statistical method respectively .

    方法对15 胫骨分别采用直接法和统计法测试松质骨孔隙率或其 密度和材料密度。

  • AO screw internal fixation for fracture of femoral tuberositas It is highly suggested axis radiograph of the knee with the tibiae tuberositas localization are helpful to early diagnosis .

    AO动力髁螺钉系统内固定治疗股骨粗隆部骨折采用的膝关节轴位 胫骨结节定位投照法准确、易操作,有助于早期诊断。

  • 177 patellas femora and tibiae of 140 sets of dry adult Chinese skeletons unearthed from the Changchun area were measured .

    本文对长春地区出土的140套成人干燥骨骼标本中的177个髌骨、股骨、 胫骨进行了测量。