You can also tie a same-colored piece of yarn around your ponytail but only if you want to be the most adorable girl in school .
当然,你也可以 扎同样颜色的纺纱线作为马尾 辫的发带,除非你真的想成为学校里最可爱的女生。
What can we tie this with ? Oh here 's an old piece of clothes line . that 's just the thing .
我们可用什么 把 这 捆 起来呢?啊,这儿有 根旧晒衣绳,正合用。
Every tie here is a piece of art .
这里的每一 条 领带都是一 件艺术品。
Tie the cylinder with a piece of wire .
用一 根铁丝 绑 住油缸。
What happens if you tie a piece of buttered toast on a cat 's back and drop them from a balcony .
如果你 将一 片涂了黄油的面包 绑在猫的背上,把它们从阳台上扔下去,会怎么样呢。
I had to tie them with a piece of string . I remember during threshing that a girl student from Beijing University lost a lens from her glasses .
记得有一个北大的女同学, 打着 打着,发现眼镜 片少了 一 片,也不知是什么时候掉到 什么 地方去了。
I can tie all this together with one final piece of code which will actually create the dynamic proxy classes and attach the correct invocation handler to it .
我可以 把所有这些捆绑在一起,形成最后的代码 片断,这段代码会实际建立动态代理类,为它加上正确的调用处理程序。
Tie a piece of material around your ankle . This could be a towel or a T-shirt and simply walk across a patch of grass .
在你的脚踝周围 绑 上一 块布料,可以是毛巾或t恤,走过一片草地。
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