threshold mode

[ˈθrɛʃˌold mod][ˈθreʃhəuld məud]


  • Recently Calabrese and Baldwin et al have suggested that the majority dose-response modes caused by environmental agents may not be the threshold mode nor the mode of non-threshold linear but rather hormesis mode .

    近年,Calabrese和Baldwin等学者认为兴奋效应型剂量-反应关系是环境化学物影响机体的主要模型,而并非经典的 阈值 模型或无阈值线性模型。

  • In this paper the influence of the pumping noise and the spontaneously radiative noise on the threshold behaviour for the single mode dye lasers has been analysed by making use of WKB theory .

    本文利用WKB理论分析了泵浦噪声与自发辐射对 单模染料激光器 阈值行为的影响。

  • In the paper the threshold light output mode modulation polarization far field characteristics and thermal resistance effects are analyzed and generalized .

    本文分析总结了垂直 发射 激光器 阈值特性、光输出特性、 模式特性、调制特性、偏振特性、远场特性以及热阻效应。

  • Relation between the threshold condition and transverse mode of semiconductor lasers

    半导体激光器 阈值条件与横 的关系

  • For outputting stable single longitudinal mode it is optimized for oscillator parametric designing in theory and it is suggested that the oscillator should operate near threshold for full utilizing the mode selecting ability of RR .

    为获得稳定的单纵模光滑脉冲输出,理论上对振荡器结构参数作了优化设计,并指出振荡器宜在 阈值附近工作,以充分发挥共振反射器的选纵 能力。

  • An adapt threshold fast mode decision algorithm is presented . It reduces computational complexity about 70 percents by comparing the mode cost and selecting the best mode to encode while keeping the same performance with origin algorithm . 3 .

    提出一种基于自适应 阈值的快速 模式选择算法:通过对模式代价的判断,提前选择最优模式编码,减少了70%左右的模块代价计算,而编码后的图像质量与原算法相当。

  • The pump threshold to arouse mode locking is 8.7 mW .

    激光器以锁 运转的 阈值泵浦功率为 8.7mW

  • Low Threshold Single Transverse Mode Ridge Waveguide GaAs / AlGaAs Quantum Well Lasers

    阈值基横 脊形波导GaAs/AlGaAs单量子阱激光器

  • Influence of weak noises on the threshold behaviour for single mode dye lasers

    弱噪声对 单模染料激光器 阈值行为的影响

  • We can monitor many parameters and characteristics by measuring TEN such as surge frequency spectrum width threshold current mode jump and stability of output light power .

    通过对激光的电 噪声的测量可以监测激光器的诸多参数和特性,如弛豫频率,谱线宽度, 阈值电流, 模式跳变及输出光功率是否稳定等。

  • Theoretical analysis for the threshold waveguide and lateral mode characteristics of InGaAsP / InP BC lasers is made by a numerical solution of the equations describing the steady state characteristics of graded waveguide semiconductor lasers .

    本文通过采用有限差分法对描述缓变波导半导体激光器稳态特性方程组的数值分析,对InGaAsP/InP掩埋新月形激光器的 阈值、波导、侧向 模式进行了理论求解。

  • Comparing eight kinds of control modes of ABS and choosing the logical threshold control mode as the research methodology ;

    ABS八种控制方式的比较,并从中选择逻辑 门限控制 方式作为研究的方式;

  • Influence of Mass-Transported Layers on Threshold Current and Mode Behavior in InGaAsP BH Semiconductor Lasers

    质量迁移层对InGaAsPBH半导体激光器 阈值电流和 模式行为的影响

  • Based on the model the laser characteristics such as the threshold current mode suppression ratio etc. have been specified .

    利用该模型对光纤光栅外腔半导体激光器的 阈值电流、 模式抑制比等进行了研究,得到了一些新的结论,并对此结论作出了合理的解释。

  • Analysis and Calculation of SBS Threshold in Single Mode Fibers

    单模光纤受激布里渊散射 阈值分析与计算

  • For stable operation of the magnetron the preoscillation voltage should be lower than ehe threshold voltage while the mode of this space charge oscillation should be the same as the π mode oscillation on the resonating cavities .

    为了使磁控管能稳定工作,就要使预振电压低于 门槛电压,并且使空间电荷振荡的 模式与谐振腔上高频振荡的π模同步。

  • Elevator Traffic System Threshold Control Mode Based on the Queue Theory

    基于排队论的电梯交通系统 阈值控制 方式

  • Starting with laser equations in the mode picture the mode locking laser equations and Fokker Planck equation have been derived . The first threshold and second threshold of mode locking laser have been found .

    从模式表象的激光方程出发,导出了锁模激光方程以及相应的福克-普朗克方程,得到了锁 激光的第一阈值和第二 阈值

  • With segregation analysis and polygenic threshold model the mode of genetic transmission in 67 families with schizophrenia ascertained in Henan Province was studied .

    用分离分析和多基因 阈值 模式对67例精神分裂症家系进行了研究。

  • In order to reduce complexity of AVS inter-frame mode selection algorithm this paper proposes a self-adaptive threshold algorithm for inter mode fast selection .

    为降低AVS视频编码标准中帧间模式选择算法的复杂度,提出自适应 阈值帧间 模式快速选择算法。

  • The problem of decision fusion between detectors in combined homing guidance system is discussed in this paper . Under the condition of random parameter signal the detection performance and the optimal threshold of the double mode system are presented .

    本文讨论了复合末制导系统传感器间的判决融合问题,得出了随机参量信号条件下的 双模系统检测性能及最优 门限

  • The investigation on test method for threshold of mode ⅱ fatigue delamination in composite aminates

    复合材料疲劳Ⅱ 层间 裂纹扩展 门槛值试验方法研究

  • The authors analyzed the structure and characteristics of an unsymmetrical logic ring stochastic model that has limited capacity and adopts threshold full service mode .

    对一类非对称型、队列容量有限、实施 门限 方式全服务的逻辑环随机模型的结构及运行特点进行了研究。

  • An accurate and simple analytical model of threshold voltage for depletion mode MOSFET is presented .

    提出一种简单而精确的耗尽 短沟道MOS器件 电压分析模型,与实验数据吻合良好。

  • Study on the Threshold Mode of FDI Technology Spillovers : Based on the Absorptive Capability Perspective

    基于吸收能力视角的FDI技术溢出 门槛 模式研究

  • Statistics of the second threshold of passive mode locking

    被动锁 中第二 阈值的统计特性

  • The second value is the threshold for a memory pressure mode to begin to apply pressure to buffer usage .

    第二个值是内存压力 模式开始对缓冲区使用应用压力的 上限

  • Applying nonlinear dynamic threshold feedback mode ( mf ) to analyzing anomalies of Anshan geostress

    应用非线性动态 门限反馈(MF) 模型剖析鞍山地应力异常

  • Based on this analysis a threshold constrained dynamic sleep mode operation scheme ( TC scheme for short ) is put forward .

    在此基础上,首先提出了一种由 门限约束的动态休眠 模式控制方案(TC方案)。

  • Influence of Spatial Localization on Lasing Threshold of Quasi-State Mode in One-Dimension Random Media

    一维随机介质中准态 模式的局域化程度对其 阈值的影响