threshold key

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ki][ˈθreʃhəuld ki:]

[计] 阈值键

  • A New Secret Sharing Threshold Scheme and Key Escrow System

    一种新的密钥分割 门限方案及 密钥托管体制

  • On ( K N ) Threshold Communication Secret Key Sharing Systems Using Concatenated Code

    级连码(K,N) 门限通信 密钥分散保管系统

  • On a Multistage Threshold Key Escrow Scheme

    一种多级 门限 密钥托管方案

  • Therefore the calculation of normal flow threshold is the key .

    所以,计算正常流量的 阀值 关键

  • A threshold key escrow system with time bounds and an analysis of its security

    时间约束下的 门限 密钥托管体制及其安全性分析

  • How to get the fine threshold is the key of image threshold segmentation .

    选取适当的 阈值是阈值法的 关键

  • Research on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Digital Signature Based on Threshold Key Technology on P2P Network

    P2P环境下基于 门限方案的椭圆曲线数字签名研究

  • Threshold choosing is a key problem in wavelet denoising and has a great effect on the image .

    小波降噪中 阈值选取是一个影响图像质量的 关键问题。

  • Threshold Key Updating Based on Ad hoc Network

    基于adhoc的 门限 密钥更新研究

  • In image segmentation algorithms the selection of optimal threshold is the key to segmentation .

    在阈值分割算法中,确定最优 阈值是图像分割的 关键

  • Analysis on the Two Classes of Robust Threshold Key Escrow Schemes

    对两类强壮的 门限 密钥托管方案的分析

  • It distinguishes the image into objects and background by picking threshold so the threshold picking is the key technique .

    它通过选取阈值将图像分为目标和背景, 关键技术是 阈值的选取。

  • The experiment results showed that the magnitude of threshold is a key factor to the form of urban rank and function . The functions of advanced city contain all the functions of lower level city .

    结果表明,对城市最终功能分工与等级体系的形成, 门槛值的高低是一个 关键因素;

  • How to choose the threshold is the key to design the fuzzy-PID controller .

    对于模糊&PID复合控制器的设计, 切换 的选择成为影响系统性能的 关键

  • Film damage threshold is the key parameter of thin-film anti-Intense Laser .

    薄膜损伤 阈值是薄膜抗强激光作用的 关键参数。

  • Automation threshold selection is the key to binary processing of gray image .

    图像 阈值的自动选取是灰度图像二值化处理中的 关键

  • A Dynamic ( k n ) Threshold Key Escrow Scheme

    一种动态(k,n) 门限 密钥托管方案

  • A key frame extraction algorithm based on Shot Content Change Ratio ( SCCR ) is proposed against miss or redundancy when using single threshold to extract key frames from video with moving objects .

    针对含有运动目标的视频采用单一 阈值提取 关键帧时易出现漏检或冗余的情况,提出基于镜头内容变化率的关键帧提取算法。

  • ( t n ) threshold key escrow scheme based on status - tree

    基于状态树的(t,n) 门限 密钥托管方案

  • Deeply research partial distributed key management and certificate scheme based threshold mechanism analyse key management service and share refreshing service and point out its limitations .

    深入研究了基于 门限机制的部分分布式密钥管理和认证方案,分析了该方案的 密钥管理服务和密钥更新服务,指出了部分分布式 密钥管理和认证方案存在的问题。

  • Since the proposed RTKES is also threshold key escrow scheme when an escrow agency or few agencies is not cooperating monitor agency can easily reconstruct session key to monitor as long as there are other k effective escrow agencies .

    由于提出的方案是 门限 密钥托管方案,所以在所有托管人中当有一个或几个托管人不愿合作或无法合作时,监听机构仍能够通过另外有效的k个托管人去重构会话密钥,从而实施监听。

  • The distance threshold value is the key to the whole algorithm .

    这些距离 阈值是整个算法的 关键

  • Threshold scheme of key escrow based on elliptic curve system which can avoid cheat is proposed and its security is analyzed .

    提出了基于椭圆曲线体制的 门限 密钥托管方案,并对其安全性进行了分析、讨论。

  • Conclusion Thinner collimation scanning denser overlapping reconstruction and appropriate threshold are the key technical points for obtaining ideal 3 D skull images .

    结论薄的层厚、重叠重建、适当的 阈值可获得最佳的 颅骨三维图像。

  • 3-D segmentation of brain volume data is one of the most important technologies especially how to determine the threshold is the key which affects the results .

    三维人脑体数据分割是医疗图像处理中的一项重要技术,其中 阈值的选取最为 关键

  • Conflict threshold is a key factor in determining the quality of group decision making because a certain level of conflict can effectively inhibit groupthink ensure the quality of group decision making .

    冲突 阈值是决定群体决策质量的 关键指标,因为一定程度的冲突水平能够有效抑制群体思维,保证群体决策质量。

  • A no Revocable Threshold Public Key Traitor Tracing Scheme

    一种无废除 门限 公钥叛逆者追踪方案

  • The master private key is shared by the private key of every node . Threshold and identity-based key management and authentication are used .

    各节点使用其身份作为公钥,主密钥由各节点的私钥分享,从而形成基于身份的 门限分布式 密钥管理。

  • Summary of threshold key escrow scheme

    门限 密钥托管方案综述