


  • This research was honored with the third-class award of SEPA 's Environmental Protection Science and Technology Awards ( 2007 ) .

    2007年度国家环保总局颁发的环境保护科学技术 奖。

  • I got a third-class prize for mu scientific research from Hubei Provincial Government last year .

    我去年获得了湖北省政府颁发的科研 奖。

  • I really regret that in our first world where we have the money and ability we treat teachers like third-class citizens and pay them like fifth-class citizens .

    真的很遗憾,在我们这样的第一世界里,不缺钱又有足够的能力,可我们对待老师仍然象对待 公民,只付出了五等的薪水。

  • In England ( which the OECD no longer ranks in the top ten ) a third-class or even a pass bachelor 's degree will suffice along with the most basic qualifications in English and maths .

    在英国, 大学的甚至是勉强拿到学士学位的人,掌握一些最基本的英文和数学知识, 就能 上岗教学。

  • Carry on the achievements target questionnaire survey to 5A-grade and third-class hospitals in Shandong Province .

    对山东省内5个 甲等医院792名专业技术人员,进行绩效指标问卷调查。

  • A small pale child 's face could be seen in the gloom of a third-class carriage .

    在那一 列车的一个昏暗的 车厢里坐着一个 身材瘦小,面色苍白的小孩儿。

  • First-class postage is more expensive but also more effective than third-class Pingitore says .

    一流的邮费是更昂贵,但也更有效得多比 的邮费,Pingitore说。

  • Using the method of combining Expert consulting system and hierarchy analysis the desertification assessment indicator system is set up on regional scale which includes 2 first-class indicators 6 second-class indicators and 15 third-class indicators .

    在县域尺度上,采用专家咨询与层次分析法相结合的方法,分层构建了由2个一级指标、6个二级指标、15 指标 构成的荒漠化评价指标体系。

  • Roles of nurses of third-class comprehensive hospital in community nursing


  • The tramcars were all single-deck of which 10 tramcars were designed for first-class passengers and the others were for third-class passengers .

    早期的电车全部为单层式设计,其中10辆为头等电车,其余则为 乘客服务。

  • The number of third-class hospitals which carried out postoperative visiting was not significantly different from that of the second-class hospitals ( P > 0.05 ) .

    医院和二级医院手术 是否已开展术后随访的医院数量上无统计学差异(P>0.05)。

  • In the second round the coefficients of concordance of all levels of indexes ( except the third-class indexes ) have increased that compared with the first round ( P0.001 ) indicating that experts ' advices on the coordination .

    第二轮除 指标外的各级指标和谐系数分别较第一轮有增加,且经检验P0.001,说明专家意见协调性好。

  • In the competition of last year Zheng Dongcheng and Zhang Lulu from our school earned the second-class and the third-class prizes respectively .

    去年的比赛中,我校的郑东成和 张璐璐 同学荣获 广东 二、 奖。

  • First-class zones 7 second-class zones and 13 third-class zones .

    具体 分为: 4 一级区,7个二级区、13个 区。

  • The specific results of the demonstration part are as follows : The evaluation index system of international sport city consists of eight primary indexes twenty-nine secondary indexes and sixty-nine third-class indexes .

    实证研究部分具体研究结果如下:文章通过专家问卷调查,构建出由八个一级指标、二十九个二级指标和六十九个 指标所组成的国际体育中心城市评价指标体系。

  • The scenic spot of Mountain Sanqing has first-class resources but it has only a second-class fame and a third-class system .

    三清山风景名胜区虽有全国一流的资源,但只有二流知名度和 体制。

  • After study the aging principle of transformer analyse and choose the condition information the thesis constitute third-class model of transformer health condition evaluation based on main component analyse method .

    本文通过对变压器老化机理研究,对各状态信息量的分析与选择,应用主成分分析的方法,建立变压器健康状态评估 模型。

  • As a result this paper builds up a set of International competitiveness evaluation index system with four primary guidelines : educational foundation educational investment educational resources transition educational output including ten second-class indexes fifty-eight third-class indexes .

    由此,构建了以教育基础、教育投入、教育资源转化、教育产出为4个一级指标,包括10个二级指标,58个 指标的研究生教育国际竞争力评价指标体系。

  • Furthermore the institutions of the third-class management system should introduce risk measurement mechanism to control risk .

    另外,我国 管理体系的各机构,都应该引入风险量化机制来控制风险。

  • In the train we found an empty third-class carriage .

    在列车里,我们找到了一个空的 车厢。

  • Edward Ryan a third-class Irish passenger put a towel over his head before stepping into a lifeboat .

    来自 的爱尔兰乘客EdwardRyan包了一块毛巾在头上后就跳到了救生船上。

  • She travels by third-class train .

    她乘 车旅行。

  • I took my seat in a third-class carriage of a deserted train .

    我在一列空荡荡的火车的 车厢找了个座位。

  • Investigation of contract nurses ' job satisfaction at Third-Class general hospitals in Chengdu

    成都市 综合医院合同制护士满意度调查研究

  • Discussion of the Treatment of 256 Cases of Craniocerebral Injury by Earthquake in a Frontier Third-class First-grade Hospital

    一线 三甲医院汶川地震256例颅脑外伤救治分析

  • Third-class medical metrology station is being established in hospital for implementing national and military medical metrology law and regulations .

    阐述了在医院建立医学计量 级站的目的、意义及主要作用;

  • Results An indicator system including three second-class indicators ( involving health idea life style and population health ) and 20 third-class indicators was established .

    结果形成了一套包括3个二级指标(健康理念、生活方式、人群健康)、20个 指标的指标体系。

  • The author also brought forward roles of nurses of third-class comprehensive hospital in community nursing which included : ( 1 ) experienced nurses graduated from college were sent to community in order to improve community nursing quality .

    并提出 综合医院护士在开展社区护理中所发挥的作用,包括:(1)向社区提供经验丰富的专科护士,提高社区护理质量;

  • Be awarded the Third-Class People 's Scholarship
