thread test

[θrɛd test][θred test]

[医] 线试验(检血内尿酸)

  • The authors suggest using special thread casing with good gas-tightness in high pressure ultra-deep wells and in the casing string design of unusual high pressure ultra-deep wells seal design and appraisal test of casing seal and strength should be made .

    建议在高压超深井中用气密封性较好的特殊 螺纹接头套管。对于异常高压超深井,在设计时应进行密封设计,对套管进行必要的密封和强度评价 试验

  • The inspection and estimate of the thread contour curve were completed by using laser gauge to measure the dimension of the thread contour curve in the transverse section and using raster to measure the axial displacement of the precision worktable under the thread test criterion .

    利用激光测量头检测螺纹轮廓在横截面上的尺寸,结合由光栅测得的精密平台的轴向位移量和 螺纹 合格的判断标准完成螺纹轮廓曲线的检测和评价。

  • Solved the problem of how to realize the programming of serial communication by Win32 API using multi thread method and the synchronizing of threads by event in Windows 2000 . The method discussed was applied to a serial communication test between two computers .

    解决了在Windows2000环境下如何用多 线程技术采用Win32API函数实现串行通信的编程,以及如何用事件的方法实现线程同步的问题。该方法已成功运用于两台计算机之间的串行通信 试验

  • A recent discussion thread on the Scrum Development Yahoo Group examined the value of process checklist tests such as the Nokia Test or the Joel Test .

    最近有一个关于YahooScrum开发组验证测试过程列表价值的讨论,例如Nokia 测试Joel测试等。

  • Using Object-oriented programming ideas packet capture thread package analysis thread routing topology construction thread route maintenance update thread and forward thread are designed comprehensively combined with multi-threaded programming . Finally routing protocol is tested through setting up a test environment .

    使用面向对象编程思想,结合多线程编程技术对包捕获线程、包分析线程、路由拓扑构造线程、路由维护更新线程和转发 线程进行了全面设计,最后通过搭建 测试环境对本路由协议进行了测试。

  • However only one thread is running in this test run so it 's not especially useful for comparative analysis .

    然而,在这个 测试运行中只运行了一个 线程,所以比较分析的用处并不大。

  • The results show that the non-normal fracture of the bolt is caused by generation of the crack in the root of thread before the tensile test ;

    结果表明,非正常断口的形成是螺栓在 拉伸螺纹根部就存在裂纹。

  • An unhandled exception on any thread will crash the entire test run and as mentioned before integration tests require multi-threading .

    任何 线程的未处理异常都会破坏整个 测试的运行,而前面提到的集成测试却需要使用多线程。

  • The execution of CMIS is optimized by thread pool and object flow and performance of agent is analyzed through test .

    采用 线程池和对象流动优化CMIS执行,并 测试分析Agent的运行性能。

  • The result of thread turning test show the cutting stableness and incorruptibility of threading inserts can be increased by ESC technology .

    螺纹车削 试验结果表明,ESC工艺可增加刀片切削稳定性,显著提高刀片耐用度。

  • This article introduces the merit of Delphi multi thread and its application in master control program of automobile testing system and realize that each station test is in progress orderly with the technology of critical zone .

    本文介绍了Delphi多 线程技术的优点和它在汽车检测系统主控程序中的应用,以及使用临界区技术实现了各个工位 检测的有序进行。

  • In the past wooden chopsticks inlaid with silver thread were used to test whether poison was put in a meal since silver reacts to a number of poisonous substances by changing its color .

    过去人们用嵌有银器的 木筷测试是否有人在餐中下毒,因为银器碰到一些有毒物品会起变色反应。

  • Design of single thread silk reeling test machine based on microcontroller

    基于单片机的单 缫丝 试验机的设计

  • This paper analyzes the deformation caused by the force in three-wire measurement of thread . Combining the test it gives the modified formulas for the deformation in middle radius thread measurement .

    螺纹三针量法因测力所引起的变形进行理论分析,并结合 实验给出螺纹中径测量时测力变形量的修正公式。

  • According to specialized ability standard we can formulate curriculum ability standard . And we can make the test question thread up the curriculum ability standard and enable it more pointed and the test valid . 2 .

    根据专业能力标准制定课程能力标准,使试题 紧扣课程能力标准,使其具有较高的针对性和 测试有效性。

  • The two important threads communication processes thread and data collection thread is constructed in parallel in the software system to enhance the real-time performance of the system . A test is carried out to verify the function stability and accuracy of the specimen .

    软件系统中两个主要线程&通讯流程和数据采集 处理,采用并行处理思想,使两者分时并行,保证系统的实时性。对系统 样机进行了的功能、稳定性及工作精度测试。

  • Using the technology of multi thread display buffer and stack the method of improving the display performance in real time test software in Windows NT with Visual C + + is introduced .

    介绍了一种在WINDOWSnt平台下,利用Visualc++软件,采用多 线程、显示缓存和压栈技术,提高实时 测试软件显示性能的方法。

  • The test case will be run in separate thread effectively blocking JUnit from completing the overall test case .

    (测试用例以独立 线程运行,有效地阻塞JUnit完成整个 测试用例)。