

vt.& vi.危及恐吓预示(某事)预示凶兆


  • Even after their divorce he continued to stalk and threaten her .

    即使在离婚后他仍继续纠缠和 威胁她。

  • Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation ?

    严格的选拔标准是否会造成精英主义,进而 危及奥林匹克重在参与的理念呢?

  • 30 percent of reptiles birds and fish are currently threatened with extinction .

    目前,30%的爬行动物、鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的 危险

  • I must be careful not to tread on their toes . My job is to challenge but not threaten them .

    我必须小心谨慎,不能得罪他们。我的工作是挑战他们,而不是 威胁他们。

  • Our military ties threaten no third party .

    我们的军事关系,不 威胁任何第三方。

  • It could threaten and intimidate the oil states of the Gulf .

    它可以 威胁和恐吓海湾地区的石油国家。

  • She could threaten to play her trump card an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures .

    她可能 威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。

  • We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet .

    我们的繁衍速度太快,以至于人口数量对地球的生态系统 造成威胁

  • The problems which beset us and threaten to destroy us .

    困扰着我们、 使我们 面临 毁灭 威胁的问题。

  • Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages .

    一些银行还列出一个黑名单, 威胁要控告这些人,要求赔偿损失。

  • The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities

    我们社会的团结遭到了一小撮滋扰生事、不安分守己的群体的 威胁

  • Balk the purpose of those who threaten us .

    遏止那些 威胁我们的人的目的。

  • Why do you mock and threaten old men ?

    为什么你要嘲笑和 威胁那些年老的人?

  • Poverty disease and conflicts have historically threaten food security .

    在历史上,贫困、疾病和争战都曾对食物安全 构成 威胁

  • Energy crisis will threaten our existence because of our excessive exploitation and because of the growing population .

    由于我们的过度开采和人口的不断增长,能源危机将 威胁 我们的生存。

  • Did they attack or threaten you ?

    他们进攻或者 威胁你们了?

  • The government 's political and economic reforms threaten to plunge the country into chaos

    政府的政治和经济改革 可能 使国家陷入混乱局面。

  • He tied her up and threatened her with a six-inch knife

    他把她捆起来,拿着一把6英寸长的刀子 威胁她。

  • They threaten them with violence .

    他们 其进行暴力 威胁

  • The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war

    这场战斗有 可能会演变为全面的战争。

  • The newcomers directly threaten the livelihood of the established workers

    新来的工人直接 威胁 老工人的饭碗。

  • It is if you harass follow or threaten .

    那是如果你骚扰,跟踪和 恐吓

  • Don 't try to threaten me . I won 't compromise with you .

    不要 威胁我,我不会和你妥协的。

  • If you threaten me or use any force I shall inform the police .

    你要是 威胁我或是动武,我就报警。

  • Loss of confidence could trigger a run on Citibank that would threaten the entire financial system .

    民众信心的丧失可能导致花旗银行出现挤兑,从而 威胁 整个金融体系。

  • He said army officers had threatened to destroy the town

    他说陆军军官们曾 威胁 摧毁那座小镇。

  • The people have no fear of death so why threaten them with it ?

    民不畏死奈何以死惧之?(《 老子》)

  • All of these also threaten growth .

    所有这些问题还 经济增长 构成 威胁

  • Technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten or damage the quality of life .

    技术解决了问题,但是带来了更多的问题,并且可能会 威胁或损害生活质量。

  • Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens .

    如果霜冻 来临,植物必须盖上腐叶土或用类似方法加以保护。