
[ˈθɔriəm, ˈθor-][ˈθɔ:riəm]


  • Exemplified by No.512 uranium deposit this paper discusses the delineation of ore bodies in sandstone type uranium deposits by uranium and thorium concentrations and their radioisotopes .

    以512矿床为例,研究了砂岩铀矿体铀、 含量及其放射性同位素分布规律,由此讨论铀矿体的定位条件。

  • A reddish-brown mineral containing rare earth metals ; an important source of thorium and cerium .

    一种红褐色矿物,含稀土金属,是 和铈的主要来源。

  • A few elements among them uranium and thorium spontaneously disintegrate into lighter elements by chances .

    少数元素,其中有铀和 ,通过它们核的变化自然蜕变成较轻的元素。

  • I was struck by the fact that the activity of uranium and thorium compounds appears to be an atomic property of the element uranium and of the element thorium .

    我突然意识到,铀化合物和 化合物的这些活性似乎是元素铀和元素钍的原子属性。

  • China 's dash for thorium power could alter the energy landscape .

    中国大力 研发 能,将改变世界能源景观。

  • Impregnate with thorium oxide to increase thermionic emission .

    注入 氧化物使增加热电子发射。

  • The team 's measurement of thorium revealed the overall abundance pattern of heavy elements for this object .

    该队的测量发现 的总体格局丰富的重元素,为这个目的。

  • A radioactive mineral consisting of thorium silicate ; it is a source of thorium that is found in coarse granite .

    一种放射性矿物,由硅酸 组成,是钍的来源,见于粗糙的花岗岩中。

  • I measured the activity of a number of minerals ; all of then ~ that appear to be radioactive always contain uranium or thorium .


  • China is also developing another promising nuclear technology : pebble bed reactors so called because they are fuelled by pebble-shaped balls of thorium or uranium .

    中国也在开发另一种颇具前景的核技术&卵石床(pebblebed)反应堆,之所以如此称呼,是因为这种反应堆的燃料是卵石形的 球或铀球。

  • Fertile thorium 232 . Food containing calcium can invigorate health effectively .

    能产生裂变 物质 232含钙食品能促进体质。

  • Companies want to expand production outside China but most rare-earth deposits unlike those in southern China are accompanied by radioactive uranium and thorium that complicate mining .

    西方公司打算扩大中国以外的稀土矿产量,但这其中储量较大的稀土矿比中国华南的稀土矿复杂的多,这些矿往往伴生着放射性的铀和 ,开采起来很复杂。

  • Since the unstable nuclei exist between actinides including thorium and stable nuclei like lead and bismuth explosive events such as supernovae are required to produce actinides .

    锆英石基三价锕系模拟核素固化体的性能自不稳定核之间存在着锕系元素,包括 和稳定核像灌了铅,铋,爆炸性事件,如超需出示锕。

  • Methods for chemical analysis of sodium fluoride & The distillation-nitric thorium volumetric method for the determination of fluorine content

    GB/T8158.2-1987氟化钠化学分析方法蒸馏-硝酸 容量法测定氟量

  • Radioactivity is the energy given off by rays from a few unstable elements such as uranium and thorium .

    放射性是某些不稳定元素如铀和 的射线放射出来的能量。

  • By measuring the decay of radioactive uranium and thorium present in the encrusted speleothems the geologists dated the layers .

    通过对出现在洞穴堆积物外壳上的放射性铀和 进行衰变测量,地质学家们确定了岩层的形成时期。

  • Adsorption Behavior of Exogenous Thorium on Soil Contaminated by Rare Earth Industries

    稀土工业污染土壤对外源 的吸附行为研究

  • Poor and powerless village communities in India and Pakistan that have suffered health effects from uranium and thorium mining have been forced to withdraw their court cases .

    印度和巴基斯坦贫穷而弱势的村民社区因为铀和 钍矿的开采而受到了健康的影响,他们被迫撤销了诉讼。

  • Some envision using the element thorium instead of uranium .

    有些公司则设想利用 元素来代替铀 作为 裂变 燃料

  • A highly unstable radioactive element ( the heaviest of the halogen series ); a decay product of uranium and thorium .

    一种极不稳定的放射性元素(卤素系列中最重的一种),铀和 腐烂的产物。

  • So you 've got polonium or thorium sitting inside this leaded box with one opening .

    把钋或者 放在,开一个小口的含铅的盒子里面。

  • Effect of sampling techniques on quantitative analysis of uranium and thorium in Malaysian tin slag waste

    取样技术对马来西亚锡渣废料中铀和 定量分析的影响

  • This paper suggests a determination method of trace thorium in ores according to DBS-arsenazo and colour-reaction of thorium .

    本文根据DBS-偶氮胂与钍的显色反应,提出了矿石中微量 的测定方法。

  • Main alloy elements have aluminum zinc manganese ce thorium and small amounts of cadmium zirconium or etc.

    主要合金元素有铝、锌、锰、铈、 以及少量锆或镉等。

  • There 's thorium in your microwave oven and americium in your smoke detector .

    你的微波炉里有 元素,而你的烟雾感应器中则有镅元素。

  • Effects of soil clay and cation exchange capacity on fraction distribution of thorium in soil from Baotou areas

    粘粒和阳离子交换量对土壤中 形态分布的影响

  • Chemical compounds and mixtures containing uranium and thorium are active in direct proportion to the amount of these metals contained in them .

    含铀和 的化合物和混合物活跃的程度与这些化合物和混合物中这两种金属的含量直接相关。

  • Evaluation of phytoavailability of thorium fractions in soil from rare earth industrial area

    稀土工业区土壤中 形态的植物可利用性评价

  • Marie found another called thorium .

    玛丽发现了另一种 物质,叫

  • Determination of thorium dioxide in thorium-tungsten alloys & Weight method

    GB/T3312-1982钨钍合金中二氧化 的测定重量法