



  • When March comes to the thirtieth day .

    三月正当 三十日。

  • For each other government it shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of its acceptance or accession to this Agreement .

    对于每一其他政府,本协定应于该政府接受或加入本协定之日后 30天生效。

  • Today is November first nineteen sixty-three . A day is about one thirtieth of a month .

    今天是一九六三年十一月一号。一天大约是一个月的 三十 之一。

  • This Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the day of its acceptance .

    本议定书应在接受之 日后 30天生效。

  • One second of arc movement is one thirtieth of a millimetre .

    一弧秒的移动是一毫米的 三十 之一。

  • Today is the thirtieth of December .

    今天是十二月 三十日。

  • In1987 on the thirtieth anniversary of the crisis as governor I invited the Little Rock Nine back .

    1987年,在该事件发生 30周年之际,我作为州长把他们九人请了回来。

  • Mister Wolfowitz resigned last month ; his last day is June thirtieth .

    W先生上月提出辞呈;他的任期最后一天是6月 30

  • It 's their thirtieth wedding anniversary so plese arrange to have some roses on the table .

    今天是他们的 30周年结婚纪念日,请在桌上放些玫瑰。

  • Did you say December thirteenth or thirtieth ?

    您是说12月13号还是12月 30

  • A day is about one thirtieth of a month .

    一天大约是一个月的 三十 之一。

  • John scored a goal in the thirtieth minute of the match .

    约翰在比赛的 30分钟踢进一球。

  • January the thirtieth and you 're invited .

    1月 30日, 希望你能出席。

  • Words preview sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first thirtieth date Happy Birthday !

    第十六第十七第十八第十九第二十第二十一 三十日期生日快乐!

  • Tomorrow is the thirtieth anniversary of the revolution .

    明天是革命 30周年。

  • The second on the hotel 's thirtieth floor he peeked from the balcony and knew falling .

    从酒店 三十楼的阳台上窥探,掂量坠落的感觉。

  • Thirtieth Olympiad is held with Yu in United Kingdom London in 2012 .


  • Harvard University President Lawrence Summers announced last week that he will resign as of June thirtieth .

    哈佛大学校长劳伦斯萨默斯上周宣布他将于6月 30 辞职。

  • The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death

    时下出现的这些有关玛丽莲·梦露的书和纪录片是借她逝世 30周年之际推出的。

  • Declaration of the Commemorative Meeting in Observance of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference

    亚非会议 三十周年纪念会议宣言

  • America 's thirtieth president was in some ways an unusual kind of person to lead the country .

    在某些方面,美国的 三十任总统是与众不同的领导国家的人。

  • The last day in September is the thirtieth .

    九月的最后一天是 三十日。

  • Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday .

    三万三千人认为星期四是他们 三十岁生日。

  • The Miss World competition is to take place November thirtieth in Abuja the capital .

    这场世界小姐大赛将于11月 30 在尼日利亚首都阿布贾举行。

  • He leaves September the thirtieth .

    他九月 三十 离开。

  • Sarah 's having a party to celebrate her thirtieth birthday .

    萨拉将举行庆祝她 三十岁生日的聚会。