




  • Research background current situation function basis and standard of plants applied on slope eco-engineering are summarized and some plants used usually are introduced . Puting forward that Research of native rock plants is the most important to select plants of protecting yock slope .

    综述了护坡植物研究背景、现状、护坡植物功能、 护坡植物选择的依据与标准以及常用护坡植物种类,提出了以研究野生岩生植物为 突破 解决 途径

  • In adult hens the main findings were abnormal shapes and discolours of ovum obstruct of oviduct and yock peritonitis .

    成年母鸡的白痢病以卵巢变形变色以及与之相关的输卵管阻塞及 卵黄性腹膜炎为特征。

  • Such ego speaks let often erupt in the person of the spot blast a yock .

    这样的自我调侃让在现场的人不时爆发出 阵阵 大笑