
[ziː bɑr][zed bɑːr]

Zimmermann 阀,Z形杆

  • Z-bar Six-linkage Design on the Working Mechanism of a Carry Scraper

    铲运机工作装置 反转六杆机构设计

  • Effect of Different Grazing Intensity on the Spring and Autumn Meadow Steppe of the Stipa Capillata + herbage ; Cattle enjoy grazing on the tall grass prairie where places like the Z-Bar Ranch set fires every spring .

    不同放牧强度对针茅+杂类草草甸草原春秋场的影响牛群在茂盛的 斯普林牧场上享用着牧草,像 这样的牧场每年春天都 放火 燃烧牧场。

  • Kinematic simulation of Z-bar linkage in the work equipment of loaders

    装载机 反转连杆机构工作装置的运动学仿真

  • Cattle enjoy grazing on the tall grass prairie where places like the Z-Bar Ranch set fires every spring .

    牛群在茂盛的 斯普林牧场上享用着牧草,像 这样的牧场每年春天都 放火 燃烧牧场。

  • Through the study of a thin wall Z-bar subjected to axial tensile force the conditioning of the stress formula of the tension or compression mem - ber is analyzed by using the theory of constraining torsion .

    本文通过 Z 薄壁 受轴向拉伸作用的问题,用 薄壁 约束扭转理论分析了拉压杆应力分析公式的条件性。

  • With Z-bar linkage as example formulas for drive angle in arbitrary position of the bom are derived .

    反转 机构 工作 装置为例,推导出 臂在任意位置时传动角的计算公式;