
[ˈjɔrkʃɪr, -ʃɚ][ˈjɔ:kʃə]


  • Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an international gallery for modern and contemporary sculpture that challenges inspires and delights .


  • We saw a documentary about Yorkshire coal miners .

    我们看了一部有关 约克郡煤矿工人的纪录片。

  • He was brought up in North Yorkshire

    他是在北约 长大的。

  • It 's quite expensive for a Yorkshire lad : more than 100 for the evening .


  • We 're having roast and Yorkshire pudding .

    我们在吃烤肉和 约克郡布丁。

  • I brush my Yorkshire every day .

    我每天都会帮我家的 约克郡 梳毛

  • The first Longfellow came to America in1676 from Yorkshire England .

    1676年,朗费罗家族从英国的 约克郡首次踏上美洲土地。

  • Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding : This is a traditional meal eaten for Sunday lunch across Britain .

    烤牛肉配 约克郡布丁:这是英国全国各地在星期天午餐都会吃的传统菜肴。

  • Have you noticed Catherine his frightful Yorkshire pronunciation ?

    凯瑟琳,你注意到他那可怕的 约克郡的口音没有?

  • The theatre management kindly let me off a couple of performances to go to Yorkshire

    剧院领导很体谅地同意我休 几场抽身到 约克郡去。

  • Yorkshire pudding is not a pudding .


  • Anne and Chris is the Stone Town Yorkshire riel two housewives .

    安妮和克里斯是 约克郡瑞尔斯通镇的两名家庭主妇。

  • He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print .

    他拿出 约克郡地图,弓身趴在上面努力看清那些细小的字体。

  • We have roast beef and Yorkshire PUD for lunch every sunday .

    我们每个星期天的中饭都吃烤牛肉和 约克郡布丁。

  • We sat down to dinner a very English noe & roast beef and Yorkshire pudding roast potatoes and cabbage grown in their own garden .

    我们坐下来吃饭,这是地道的英国饭菜,有烤牛肉、 约克夏布丁、烤土豆和他们自己花园里种的卷心菜。

  • Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys .

    另一个在 约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。

  • I live in london but my home is in yorkshire .

    我住在伦敦,但我家乡在 约克郡

  • WL : I went to London and I went to Yorkshire Liverpool and the New Forest .

    我去了伦敦,还去了 约克郡、利物浦和新森林地区。

  • He has continued to write with a bluff vivid humour about Yorkshire life .

    他继续用一种直白而又诙谐生动的笔触描绘着 约克郡的生活。

  • I was rambling over the hills of yorkshire .

    我正在 约克郡山区漫游。

  • In the County of Yorkshire in the north part of England there lived a baron .

    在英格兰北部的 约克郡,住着一位男爵。

  • Roast beef is the classic Sunday lunch and must be served with Yorkshire pudding .

    烤牛肉是传统的星期日午餐食品,必须和 约克郡布丁一起进食。

  • We have Sandy a Yorkshire Terrier and a German Shepherd named Sam.

    我们有一只叫桑迪的 约克郡犬,还有一只德国牧羊犬,叫萨姆。

  • Yorkshire is still very much a farming community with good meat good dairy produce and eggs


  • I have a manor on my mother 's side in yorkshire .

    我妈妈家里在 约克郡有个庄园。

  • York is the capital city of Yorkshire and was once known as England 's second city .

    约克城是 约克郡的首府,曾一度为英格兰第二大城市。

  • I am a mixture of French Irish and Yorkshire and perhaps thats what it all is .

    杂糅着来自法国和爱尔兰 约克郡的血统,或许,这就是我。

  • He was born in the small town of castleford in yorkshire .

    他出生在 约克郡的卡斯尔福德小镇上。

  • WL : I think Yorkshire and the New Forest .

    我想,是 约克郡和新森林地区。