


  • Solvothermal Synthesis of One-dimensional Structure of Yttria Precursor Powders and Research

    溶剂热合成一维纳米结构的 氧化 前驱体粉体及其研究

  • Absorption and Luminescence Spectra of Yttria Stabilized Cubic Zirconia Crystals with Dopants

    氧化 稳定立方氧化锆掺杂晶体的吸收光谱和发光光谱

  • It found how the thermal conductivity of YSZ changes with the adding amount of yttria .

    找到了 氧化 加入量变化时YSZ导热性能的变化规律。

  • The yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) electrolyte is fabricated by plaster casting method .

    采用注浆法制备了 稳定化氧化锆(YSZ)电解质。

  • But the application of yttria is retarded for its high sintering temperature and poor thermal shock resistance .

    但是 氧化 陶瓷烧结温度高、抗热震性差, 限制了它的 进一步应用。

  • Nanometer yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) powders were prepared by means of glycine-nitrate process ( GNP ) .

    用甘氨酸-硝酸盐法合成了纳米级 稳定化氧化锆(YSZ)微粉。

  • Preparation of Ultrafine Yttria by Wet-Solid-Phase Mechanochemical Reaction

    湿固相机械化学法制备超细 氧化 的研究

  • In this paper preparation of ultrafine yttria and nano-sized perovskite NdCoO_3 LaCoO_3 and LaMnO_3 via a mechanochemical process was investigated and their catalytic effects on thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate ( AP ) were investigated by DTA .

    本文采用了机械化学法制备了超细的 氧化 和纳米复合稀土氧化物(NdCoO3、LaCoO3、LaMnO3),并考察了它们对高氯酸铵(AP)热分解的催化性能。

  • On the Uncertainty Evaluation of Yttria Content by EDTA Titration

    用EDTA滴定法测定 氧化 含量时滴定过程的不确定度评定

  • A new method was established for the direct determination of trace amount Sc in pure Yttria . Furthermore the polarographic behaviour and the electrode reaction mechanism was studied .

    用此方法测定了纯 氧化 中的微量钪,并探讨了该极谱波的性质和电极反应机制。

  • Preparation and characterization of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous yttria stabilized zirconia

    三维有序大孔 氧化 稳定氧化锆的制备与表征

  • Yttrium compound ( such as yttria yttrium fluoride etc. ) is an important class of rare-earth compounds which has potential applications in optical opto-electronic biolabeling catalytic fields due to their excellent physical and chemical properties .

    钇化合物(如 氧化 、氟化钇等)是一类重要的稀土化合物,由于其优异的物理和化学性能在光学、光电子、生物标记、催化等领域得到了广泛的应用。

  • The electronic characteristic oxygen pressure of self made yttria stabilized Zirconia electrolytes was measured from 700 ℃ to 1100 ℃ by taking out oxygen from aluminium liquid .

    用从铝液和 液中抽氧的 库仑 滴定法测量了 自制 氧化 稳定的氧化锆固体电解质的电子特征氧化压 P θ

  • The crystal structures and ionic conductivity of yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) are analyzed .

    分析了 稳定的二氧化锆(YSZ)的晶体结构及离子导电性。

  • Manufacture and Application of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia


  • Wear properties of alumina strengthen yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal ( Y-TZP ) ceramic ( ADZ ) under different loads were investigated using a block-on-block tribometer .

    采用往复式摩擦磨损试验机研究了10%(质量分数计)Al2O3增强四方氧化锆多晶Y-TZP陶瓷材料(简称 10ADZ)在不同载荷下的磨损行为与机制。

  • Yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) thin-film layers were deposited on NiO-YSZ anode substrates by centrifugal deposition technique and the layers were sintered at 1 400 ℃ to obtain dense membranes .

    用离心沉积方法在NiO-YSZ阳极基底上沉积了 氧化 稳定的氧化锆(YSZ)薄膜,并在1400℃烧结达到致密;

  • Yttria powders ( 60nm in average size ) were obtained by calcining the precursor at 1100 ℃ for 4h .

    先驱沉淀物在1100℃下煅烧4h,得到了平均粒径为60nm的 氧化 原料粉体。

  • Preparation of High Purity Yttria Coating and Research on the Performance

    高纯 氧化 涂层制备工艺及性能研究

  • Study on Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Polyaniline / Yttria Composite

    聚苯胺/ 氧化 复合材料的合成及热稳定性研究

  • Research on the Sintering Processing of the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Nano Powders


  • Yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) electrolyte thin film on porous NiO-YSZ anode substrates was prepared by gravity deposition method combined with co-sintering method . After co-sintered at 1 400 ℃ YSZ thin film with thickness of 20 μ m was obtained .

    采用重力沉降法和共烧结法相结合,在NiO-YSZ( 氧化 稳定氧化锆)阳极基底上制备YSZ固体电解质薄膜,在1400℃下共烧结后,得到厚度为20μm的YSZ薄膜。

  • In this paper ultrafine zirconia stabilized with yttria was prepared by adding a new dehydration process & distillation process in chemical coprecipitation .

    本文通过在传统的化学共沉淀法中加入一种较新的脱水工艺&蒸馏法制备了纳米级的 ZrO2复合 粉末

  • EDTA Titration Determination of lanthanum oxide or yttria in molybdenum

    EDTA滴定法测定钼中氧化镧或 氧化

  • Now yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) is the most successful electrolyte material for SOFC .

    氧化 稳定的氧化锆固体电解质(YSZ)是目前用于固态氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)最成功的电解质材料。

  • Study on Preparation of Yttria and Ceria Stabilized Zirconia Powder with Spherical Hollow

    氧化 和氧化铈稳定氧化锆空心球形陶瓷粉末的研制

  • The effect of the content of yttria on the mechanical properties of zirconia ceramic and the phase as well as microstructure of zirconia ceramic with different molar fraction yttria are studied .

    研究了不同含量的 氧化 对氧化锆陶瓷性能的影响,并对相组成及显微结构进行了分析。

  • In the present paper a series of ceramic powder processing methods were investigating for preparing the YSZ ( Yttria stabilized Zirconia ) electrolyte film on NiO / YSZ substrate with low cost .

    本文主要研究了用低成本的简单的陶瓷成型方法在NiO/YSZ阳极支撑体上制备 氧化 Y2O3)稳定的氧化锆(ZrO2)( 简称YSZ)薄膜,并研究其SOFC性能。

  • Electronic structures of vacancies and impurities in cubic yttria stabilized zirconia crystals

    氧化 稳定立方氧化锆晶体中空位和杂质的电子结构

  • YSZ-Ni ( nickel - yttria stabilized zirconia ) cermets have been widely used in the solid oxide fuel cells ( SOFC ) and functionally gradient materials ( FGM ) areas .

    YSZ-Ni(镍- 氧化 稳定的氧化锆)金属陶瓷可以应用于固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)和功能梯度材料(FGM)中。