

  • I use X Y and Z axes to illustrate pictures in the three-dimensional space .

    我使用X、Y和 Z轴在三维空间中展示图片。

  • I have appointment with company X Y and Z today .

    我今天与X,y及 Z公司有约会。

  • Interestingly the System z retains backward compatibility with the older System / 360 line .

    有趣的是,System z保留了对之前的System/360产品线的向后兼容性。

  • In fact what we get is a function of y and z.

    事实上,我们得到的是一个关于y和 z的函数

  • This section includes learning and introductory material related to RUP for System z.

    本章包括与RUPforSystem z有关的学习和介绍性资料

  • A random speed along X Y and Z that is added to the velocity .

    一个沿着X,Y和 Z 的随机的速度,它被添加到当前的速度。

  • Then I switched on a projector that flashed the letters F Z and B on a screen .

    然后,我打开一台投影仪,在一个屏幕上闪出了字母F、 Z和B。

  • Let 's see maybe x is one y and z could be0 .

    让我们来看,或许x是1,y和 z为0。

  • The coordinates x y and z are called the relative coordinates .

    坐标x,y和 z叫做相对坐标。

  • An A to Z of careers gives helpful information about courses .

    字母 顺序 排列的职业大全提供了有助于课程选择的信息。

  • On z / OS this is a'newline'character ( X '15 ' ) .


  • So that means remember R is a function of x y and z.

    记住,R是x、y和 z的函数

  • In the above command X Y and Z are used as placeholders .

    在上面的命令中,X、Y和 Z作为占位符。

  • Vector data contains geometric shapes defined by x and y coordinates and frequently z ( elevation ) coordinates .

    矢量数据包含由x和y坐标,经常还有 z(立面)坐标所定义的几何图形。

  • You bought programs X Y and Z.

    你买了些软件,有X,有Y,还有 Z

  • Organizations using System I and System z

    使用Systemi和System z的组织

  • It is a relation between x y z and f.

    它是,x,y, z,和f之间的一种关系。

  • Determines how much the X Y and Z position is increased ( or decreased ) for each instance .

    决定每一复制实例层之间递增的或者递减的在X,Y和 Z 上的偏移量。

  • If I take a rotation about the z-axis .

    如果我在 z 周围取一个旋转。

  • Its function is to define and map the z / OS infrastructure and lifecycle on the mainframe .

    它的功能是定义和描绘出主机上的 z/OS基础结构和执行周期。

  • It 's parallel to the z axis .

    它和 z轴平行。

  • So it 's actually a function of maybe x y z.

    因此它实际上可能是x,y, z的函数

  • For velocity in the x y or z direction .

    对于x,y,或 z 个方向的速度。

  • So when you compute the determinant you get a formula that involves x y and z.

    所以当你计算这个式子时,你会得到一个带有x,y, z的式子

  • See we are already using here the relation between x y and z.

    这里我们已经应用了x,y, z之间的关系

  • It is whatever the formula is for z as a function of x and y.

    无论公式里, z是x和y的什么函数。

  • On z / OS the attribute values used are not checked .


  • Well this is a surface for which we know z is a function of x and y.

    这是关于x和 y的函数曲面。

  • The Z shell ( Zsh ) is usually found on the system as / bin / zsh .


  • Realizes X axis and the Z axis two coordinates linkage as well as to the cutting tool automatic selection .

    实现X轴和 Z轴的两坐标联动以及对刀具的自动选取。