Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible .
任何过过 这种 日子的人都希望它持续得越久越好。
Who can offer complete satisfaction to another in this life ?
Many people in this life deny their freedom .
有许多 人否认他们的自由。
If in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men the most pitiable .
我们若靠基督,只在 今生有指望,就算比众人更可怜。
It made him reflect about the importance of spiritual cultivation before his time in this life ran out .
这使得他反思到在他 此生 的 生命结束之前精神修养的重要性。
You have only so much time and money and there are lots of ways to find satisfaction pleasure and meaning in this life .
你的时间与金钱很有限,而能够获得满足感、快乐及 生活意义的方式则太多 了。
There are an unlimited number of Dr. No folks that you will encounter in this life .
你会 在 一生中遇到无数个对你说不的家伙。
There 's no justice in this life is there ?
He knew that this life he could never be able to reach couples years ago .
他知道,许多年以前他永远也没有可能拥有 这样 的 生活。
Anna Forbes the hardheaded barrister in This Life typifies the successful 1990s working woman .
安娜福布斯在剧中是位精明的大律师, 这一角色堪称90年代成功职业女性的典范。
How much trouble in this life is caused by idle talk !
I have enough for this life .
此生我 活得 充实。
What do I believe that I deserve in this life ?
我相信 这 一生该过怎样的 生活?
As much as we may deny it we are free in this life .
就如我们常常会否认这一点,我们有自由 掌握自己的 生活确实是不争的事实。
At first it seemed to me that I could easily reconcile this life of toil with my cultured habits ; to do so I thought all that is necessary is to maintain a certain external order in life .
起先似乎我能轻易调和 这种辛苦的 生活与我有教养的习惯,我认为要做到这一点在生活中有必要维持一种固定的表面形式。
I have nothing to worry about in this life .
我 这 一生都很省心。
In this life every single bit of love we share finds its way back to us again .
在 生活中,我们分享的每一丝爱都会回归到我们身上。
31.Nothing in this life no pain no agony no failure compares to the eternal joy of Heaven .
Because he knew what he is pursuing in this life .
因为他知道他追求的就是 这种 生活。
Whatever it is you hope to achieve in this life give it nurture it be it and you will enjoy a lifetime filled with it many times over .
无论你想 在 生活中完成什么,就去付出,培养,坚持,最终你会发现人生充满了回报。
And I ask them the same two quesions I 'll someday ask you is it possible to be happy with this life ?
我会问他们两个问题,当然,不久的将来我也会问到你, 你 的 人生可有寻求到快乐?
Anthony thought he was also part of this life until the War Between the States broke out .
安东尼以为他也是 这 生活中的一部分直到内战爆发。
We just got to understand in this life you can 't be too stress .
但是你得明白,过 日子不能压力太大。
This life is preparation for the next . When you live in light of eternity your values change .
当你活在 永恒之光下,你的价值观便会有所改变。
You want this life those choices are necessary .
你要 这种 人生,就得做那些选择。
The importance of this life span process and its influence on the management of the project cannot be overemphasized .
不能过分的强调 生命周期过程的重要性和它在项目管理中的影响。
The editor of this life story will be hoping people want to buy it .
这部 传记的编辑会希望读者对它趋之若鹜。
In short there are things in this life that you dont want to cheap out on .
简短说, 生活中有的东西是你不想要图便宜的。
In this life what did you miss ?
在 生活中,你错过了什么?
In this life cycle globalization is involved in each phase of software development : user requirements analysis and design developing testing and maintenance .
在 这个 生命周期中,在软件开发的各个阶段都涉及到全球化:用户需求、分析和设计、开发、测试以及维护。
美[ðɪs laɪf]英[ðis laif]