




  • Nothing seems certain in this crucial period in Pakistan 's political life .

    在巴基斯坦政治历史上的 这个紧要关头,一切皆非定数。

  • We 've stopped transporting weapons to this country by train

    我们已停止用火车向 国运送武器。

  • ' Is this what you were looking for ? ' Bradley produced the handkerchief

    “你刚才找的是不是 这个?”布拉德利掏出那块手绢。

  • You feel that it 's uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups . Why is this ?


  • I thought this is why I 've travelled thousands of miles

    我想, 就是我为何不远千里赶来的原因。

  • This place is run like a hotel ought to be run


  • This is what I will do . I will telephone Anna and explain .


  • Hello this is John Thompson

    喂, 是约翰·汤普森。

  • When food comes out of any oven it should stand a while . During this delay the centre carries on cooking

    食物出炉后都应该静置一会。 在此期间,中心部分还在继续加热。

  • I am not going to reveal what my seven-year plan is but I will tell you this much if it works out the next seven years will be very interesting .


  • What I 'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific

    我在 今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。

  • This is NPR National Public Radio .


  • We 're getting married this June

    我们准备 今年6月结婚。

  • I came here by chance and was just watching what was going on when this girl attacked me

    我碰巧来到这儿,正看着热闹,突然 个女孩袭击了我。

  • So I just walked up the steps into this big beautiful church .

    于是我就拾级而上,走进了 座漂亮的大教堂。

  • What a book can do and what this one will try to accomplish is to present examples of how life can be made more enjoyable

    一本书能做到的,也是 书努力实现的,就是列举一些例子说明如何让生活变得更加愉快。

  • I think coffee is probably the best thing at this point

    我认为 此时喝杯咖啡是最赞的了。

  • This is my colleague Mr Arnold Landon .


  • ' And what are you doing now ? ' — ' Oh this and that . '

    “那你现在在做什么呢?”——“哦, 瞎忙。”

  • Tim this is awful . I know what you must think but it 's not so

    蒂姆, 可糟了。我知道你心里在想什么,但实际情况不是这样的。

  • ' You know people conveniently forget the things they say . ' — ' Well this is it . '


  • Jordan 's own-label collection of sweatshirts T-shirts and caps will be available this Christmas .

    乔丹自有品牌的运动衫、T恤衫和帽子系列将于 今年圣诞节上市。

  • ' If you 'd prefer something else I 'll gladly have it changed for you . ' — ' No this is great . '

    “您要是喜欢别的,我很乐意帮您调换一下。”——“不用了, 这个挺好。”

  • They 'd said the wound was only about this big you see and he showed me with his fingers .

    他们说伤口只有 这么 大,他还用手指比划给我看。

  • Is this what you want to do with the rest of your life ?


  • ' Hello is this Raymond Brown ? ' — ' Yeah who 's this ? '

    “喂,是 雷蒙德·布朗吗?”——“对,您是哪位?”

  • I want to make a point about all these charges going up water rates and all this that and the other .


  • A job is pretty much nine-to-five . Is this what you feel would make you happy ?

    工作时间多数是朝九晚五,你觉得 这样会让你感觉愉快吗?