title of entry

[ˈtaɪtl ʌv ˈɛntri][ˈtaitl ɔv ˈentri]

[法] 进入土地权

  • As before it 's easy to iterate over this collection and display the title of each worksheet entry using its getTitle () method .

    和之前一样,可以轻松地遍历这个集合并使用getTitle()方法显示每个工作表 目的 标题

  • For instance the server can use the value of the slug when creating the URI of the member resource or when setting the value of the title element in the Atom Entry Document .

    比方说,服务器可以在创建成员资源的URI或者设置Atom EntryDocument中 title元素的值时使用slug的值。

  • Name and address of author title of work and number to conform to those on the entry form must appear on the back of each print .

    参加表上作品的姓名、地址、 照片题名及序号数等应与每张照片背面所书者相同。

  • It 's now possible to iterate over the array printing the title of each spreadsheet by invoking the corresponding entry object 's getTitle () method .

    现在可以遍历该数组,通过调用相应对象的 getTitle()方法输出每个电子表格的 标题

  • From my last two blogs regarding Moore 's Law I think the title of this entry is somewhat self evident .

    从我之前的两篇关于摩尔定律的博文中,我想这 文章的 题目在某种程度上已经不言自明。

  • In particular notice that the title of the cell entry object returns the alphanumeric coordinates of the cell that was updated .

    特别是,注意单元格 条目对象的 标题将返回被更新的单元格的字母数字坐标。