tight supply

[taɪt səˈplaɪ][tait səˈplai]

[经] 供应紧缩

  • The current downward slope of the price curve is known in industry jargon as backwardation and signals a tight supply and demand balance .

    价格曲线向右下倾斜在行业术语中被称为“现货溢价”(backwardation),表明 市场 供需平衡 吃紧

  • Because of the tight supply of raw materials and short preparing time ( and other reasons ) construction organization decides to use the existing rhombic hanging basket system applied in Chaoyang Bridge .

    由于原材料 供应 紧张及工期紧等原因,施工单位决定采用原朝阳大桥菱形挂篮系统进行施工,为了保证挂篮系统能够满足施工需求,对其进行必要的改造设计。

  • There 's a tight supply squeeze globally and that 's why we can 't get the steel we need .

    全球 钢材 供应短缺,因此我们拿不到我们需要的钢。

  • The mechanism of action of the positive contact is mainly due to the minimum wage in China is still in the stage of very low which increase as a signal to attract relatively more low-cost labor under the relatively tight supply background .

    这一正向联系的作用机制主要是由于我国的最低工资水平还处于非常低的阶段,其提升作为一种信号能在劳动力 供给 偏紧的背景下吸引相对更多的低价劳动力。

  • Analysts say the main risk for Sharp is a price decline if tight supply conditions ease .

    分析家认为,夏普公司面临的风险主要是如果产品 紧张 供应状况有所缓解,价格可能会下滑。

  • Increasingly an educated and skilled labour force is in tight supply the world over .

    在全球范围内,受过教育且技术熟练的劳动力日益 紧缺

  • In recent years many power plants use low quality coal because the tight supply of coal resources and coal fluctuations of coal-fired power station .

    近年来,煤炭资源 供应 紧张、燃煤电站的煤质波动较大,很多电厂都使用劣质煤。

  • Most of these announced projects will take years to come online but they signal that the current tight supply and high prices may ease in the long term .

    所宣布的大多数项目都要若干年后才能投产,不过这表明目前 供应 紧张和价格居高不下的局面从长期来看有望得到缓解。

  • With the long term exploitation and use of coal oil and other fossil fuels resource depletion and the tight supply situation become more and more obvious and it also gives rise to a series of environmental issues .

    随着煤炭、石油等化石能源的长期开采和使用,资源枯竭及 供应 紧张的形势越来越明显,同时也引发了一系列的环境问题。

  • With the increasingly tight supply of fossil fuels and severe environmental pollution biomass energy has been attached to great attention around the world .

    随着化石能源 供应的日益 紧张,世界各国对生物质能源研究开发和利用引起了高度关注。

  • Although in recent years the rapid increase in corn production corn supply and demand for a tight supply have exceeded demand to change and to the balance state .

    虽然近年来中国玉米产量快速增加,但是,玉米 供需已经由 大于求转变为 平衡的状态。

  • Production increases would ease the current very tight supply situation in key rice producing countries according to the first FAO forecast for this year .

    根据粮农组织对今年所作的首次预测,产量的增加将缓解主要稻米生产国目前非常 紧张 供应形势。

  • Banks are also doing more interbank business because the current tight supply of liquidity means it creates much higher returns than bonds .

    银行也在开展更多银行间业务,因为当前流动性 供应 意味着,银行间业务能够带来比债券高得多的回报。

  • While farmers have benefited in Thailand prices in supermarkets there are up 10 % since 2011 due to tight supply .

    尽管泰国的农民获益,但由于 供应 紧张,超市中大米的价格自2011年以来累计上涨了10%。

  • Hence the current recovery of the laminate demand is facing a number of bottlenecks such as the tight supply of glass yarn .

    因此目前覆铜面板需求的复苏面对多个瓶颈阻碍,如玻璃丝的 供应便 非常 紧张

  • Large projects will be delayed sometimes leading to periods of tight supply ;

    有时因为一些大型工程的拖延,会导致一段时间内 供应 紧张

  • Meanwhile world petrochemical market still kept the situation of vigorous demand and relatively tight supply thus supporting prices of major basic petrochemical feedstock and petrochemicals to stay at high level steadily .

    与此同时,世界石油化工市场依然继续保持着需求旺盛、 供应相对 紧张态势,并由此支持着主要石油化工基础原料和产品价格稳居高位水平。

  • Tight supply and demand have made markets volatile .

    紧张 供需状况导致市场波动。

  • Problems identified in 2004 included tight supply of energy and raw materials high cost driven by climbing price and congested transportation .

    2004年存在的问题主要是能源和原材料 供应 紧张,价格上涨推动成本上升,运输不畅等。

  • Tight supply was always the biggest prop for China 's domestic currency-denominated A share market which doubled last year .

    供应 趋紧一直是中国内地以本币计价的A股市场上涨的最大支撑因素。

  • A series of urban problems have become the focal points of urban landscape construction such as high building density concentration of population tight supply of land air pollution and environment deterioration .

    城市建筑密度大、人口集中、用地 紧张的格局,以及城市空气质量下降、生态环境恶化等一系列问题成为城市园林建设关注的焦点。

  • Tight supply pushed up the price of tungsten and this was stimulated by healthy demand .

    供应 紧张和需求增长推高了价格。

  • With the development of economy and society energy crisis have already become a problems faced to us As a renewable clean energy the solar energy has a broad application prospects in the current tight supply and increasing demand .

    当今随着经济社会的发展,能源危机已成为社会发展的面临的难题,太阳能作为一种可再生清洁能源具有广泛的前景,但是 能量 储存的问题 制约着太阳能的利用。

  • The tight supply in traditional resources makes us PV practitioners have a sense of urgent and also push the connection to grid at an equal price to be achieved sooner .

    传统能源的 紧缺让我们光伏从业者具有更多的紧迫感,但同样也促进了平价上网能够早日实现。

  • This paper consists of seven parts : In the first section under the background of the tight supply of global grain production it tries to solve a question which is fairly popular and the disputable-whether the suburb of big city should keep moderate scale of grain production .

    本文由七大部分组成:(一)绪论。在目前世界粮食 供给 偏紧的背景下,想探讨解决一个颇受业界关注和争议的问题&大城市郊区是否需要保持适度规模的粮食生产。

  • Prices for all three giant producers shot up in2008 due to high demand and a tight supply .

    由于需求高涨以及 供应 紧张,2008年世界三大番茄加工巨头的价格都急剧升高。

  • The increasingly tight oil supply and weaker US Dollar will surely result in a rise in oil prices .

    石油 供需 矛盾的日益突出和美元贬值必然导致油价上涨;