


  • Will you please explain It tor me again ?

    你能再 我解释 一遍吗?

  • The by-election result has ominous implications tor the government .


  • It is more effective to use repulping agents during repulping in order tor educe reject and pulping time .

    碎解剂的应用可有效降低筛渣率和缩短 浆时间。

  • Comparative study of carvedilol to metoprolol tor the treatment of essential hypertension in 60 patients

    卡维地洛与 美托洛尔对照治疗原发性高血压60例

  • The talks should provide good openings tor new trade possibilities .

    谈判应该为新的贸易可能性提供 良机

  • Mirror lamp brightness can be adjusted suit tor different light requirements .

    镜灯亮度可调节, 适合不同光线的使用要求。

  • Doc tor IIS no Ionger a doctor .


  • Last month the FBI seized dozens of criminal websites operating on the Tor network in the largest operation of its kind .

    上个月,联邦调查局查出了数十个在 Tor网络上运作的犯罪网站,是类似行动中规模的最大一次。

  • Here I set off tor another journey .

    就这样我又将 进入一段新的旅程。

  • Improved public transportation would obviate the need tor everyone to have their own car .

    公共交通的改善消除了 每人都要有车的必要性。

  • The application of thin-film sputtering technology in downhole TOR & WOB measurement

    溅射薄膜技术在井下 扭矩/钻压测量中的应用

  • That finding gives more evidence to the theory that calorie intake and nutrient response affect lifespan by altering TOR activity .

    这个发现为热量的摄取和营养反应是通过改变 TOR活动来影响寿命长短的提供了更多证据。

  • Excellent mixing processes of highly viscous products due to the powerful Turbo mixer with the optional dynamic sta tor .

    配有可选的动力学定子的涡轮 混合器,是处理高粘度的产品优秀的混合设备。

  • The latest release of tor can be found on the download page .


  • BEFORE unveiling Portugal 's harshest budget in living memory this week V í tor Gaspar the finance minister praised the hard work of the civil servants who had prepared it .

    这周葡萄牙公布了它有史以来最严苛的财政预算,在那之前,财政部长 维克多·加斯帕尔赞扬了为该预算做出了准备的公务员们。

  • These are fancy rooms tor kids your age .

    这些是为你这种年龄的孩子准备的 花式房。

  • Study of Mechanism of Mannitol and Sorbitol Metabolism in Vibrio Cholerae El Tor

    El Tor 霍乱弧菌中甘露醇和山梨醇代谢机制研究

  • Now the moment you 've all been waiting tor .

    现在到了你们一直 等待的时候。

  • I 'll be waiting tor you at11:00 in the middle ot the dance tloor .

    我11 点钟在舞台中央等你。

  • Design of TOR System Based on Embedded Microprocessor

    基于嵌入式微处理器的 无线 传输系统的设计

  • We 've been dating tor three months and he is not a stalker .

    我们 同甘共苦交往了三个月,不是他缠着我。

  • Design and Analysis of Secure and Anonymous Communication System Based on Tor

    基于 Tor的安全隐秘通信平台的设计与分析

  • As tor Austin and me well I tinally got my cell phone back .


  • The engineering tor from abroad only broke in with us last month .

    从国外回来的工程 博士是上个月才开始和我们一道工作的。

  • Poor old Bob got it in the neck tor being late this morning .

    可怜的鲍勃因今天早上迟到而被 了一

  • Design and implementation of integrated internet anonymous browsing system based on Tor

    基于 Tor的Internet集成匿名浏览系统设计与实现

  • Why can 't you do anything for this man tor ?

    你们不能帮他做点什么吗, tor

  • I 'm not looking tor a weather report .

    我不是在 你天气报告。