In this smile Xiangzi saw tigress a young and beautiful tigress .
祥子忽然在这个笑容中看见了 虎妞,一个年轻而美艳的虎妞。
Tigress : Respected Mr Panda I 'm a big fan of you ! May I have the honor of becoming your apprentice ?
If he was tired and bored by the long days Tigress at home was even more lonesome .
天是这么长,祥子若是觉得疲倦无聊, 虎妞在家中就更寂寞。
He was unwilling to think because really it was no use . Tigress hard blocked every avenue of escape .
不愿意去想,也实在因为没法儿 想, 虎妞 已 把 道儿都堵住,他 没法脱逃。
Having thought this far he put Tigress and all she had said aside .
想到这儿,他把 虎妞 和 虎妞的话都放在一边去;
Tigress who was standing by winked at xiangzi .
Tigress : If he 's smart he won 't come back up those steps .
母 老虎:如果他聪明,他不会回来的。
There 's a tigress ! 'exclaimed Mrs Linton setting her free and shaking her hand with pain .
“好一个 母 老虎!”林惇夫人大叫,把她放开,痛得直甩她的手。
Tigress urged him to go out not wanting him around in case joy brought back a customer .
虎妞催着他出去,怕他在 家里碍事,万一小福 子拉来个客人 呢。
A Bengal tigress called Sita rests with one of her trio of six-month-old cubs .
一只叫做茜塔的 母孟加拉虎正和他的幼崽休息在一起,这是她的三胞胎中的一只。
He felt a bit guilty towards tigress .
对 虎 姑娘,他觉得有点羞愧。
Tigress pulled him over rather like an affectionate elder sister-in-law .
Tigress in a red jacket her face powdered and rouged followed him with her eyes .
The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother 's cubs .
医师们决定,如果 母 老虎可以充做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的代理母亲的话。
You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her !
你原来要指的是 娇 虎,可那个 肉团 正巧掉下来。
Seen this way even Tigress and her affairs weren 't worth worrying about .
这么一 想,他连 虎妞 的 那 回事 儿都不 想发愁了。
The tigress is in command and swoops in for the throat bite .
那 只 母 老虎处于上风,扑过去就咬到了喉咙。
Panda Po : Tigress you 've just got it ! My customers always call me Hero !
虎 大姐,你说对啦!我的顾客总是称我为英雄!
Why she tigress would be no different from any other woman in this yard .
她, 哼 ! 和 杂院里 那 群妇女没有任何分别了。
Tigress would certainly not let him off so lightly .
虎妞 岂肯轻饶了他 呢!
Since Tigress had started helping joy she wanted to recapture her lost youth through him .
虎妞“成全”了小福 子,也要在祥子身上找到失去了的青春。
The wounded Tigress was now roaring double tides .
那 只受伤的 母 老虎正在怒吼。
Xiangzi was dead to the world for two days and nights and Tigress began to panic .
祥子昏昏沉沉的 睡了两昼夜, 虎妞 着了慌。
Tigress was pregnant this time truly so .
Stroking Tigress I told her how beautiful she was while I examined her eyes and mouth listened to her heart and lungs and felt her stomach .
我抚摸着 虎妞,一边对她说她是多么美丽,一边检查她的眼睛和嘴巴,听她的心肺, 轻按她的胃部。
He knew that Tigress never dressed like this on ordinary occasions .
虎 姑娘 一向,他晓得,不这样打扮。
Only on his wedding-night did Xiangzi finally catch on : tigress wasn 't pregnant after all .
婚夕,祥子才明白: 虎妞并没有怀了孕。
She led her younger brother over and knelt down before Tigress .
她带着小弟弟过来, 给 虎妞下了一跪。
She was a huge tigress and ruled for a long time .
她是一个巨大的 母 老虎,并裁定了很长一段时间。
Tigress might have been a termagant but without her what home could he have ?