to begin with

[tu ˈbeɡɪn wɪð][tu: biˈɡin wið]


  • To begin with no one can deny that listening and speaking play important roles in English study .


  • To begin with let me be clear : America wants a strong peaceful and prosperous Russia .


  • ' What do scientists you 've spoken with think about that ? ' — ' Well to begin with they doubt it 's going to work . '

    “跟你聊过的科学家是怎么看的?”——“嗯, 首先,他们怀疑这能否行得通。”

  • Maybe we should concentrate on what caused this issue to begin with !

    也许我们应该 开始专注于是什么造成这个问题!

  • I always give new workers a short contract to begin with as I want to see how they measure up before I employ them on a lasting basis .

    雇用工人时我 他们订个短期合同,我要看看他们的能力再决定是否长期雇用。

  • To begin with we need an alarm_event_t structure zeroed out .


  • I think I 'll have soup to begin with .

    我想我 开始 份汤。

  • I checked out and it 's not like I had big dreams to begin with .

    我仔细检查,并不是像我 开始一个很大的梦想。

  • To begin with you need to develop the type trees required for these two maps .


  • To begin with you have confused two different things .


  • We have therefore decided to begin with preferment to ecclesiastical dignities .

    因此,我们决定 开始 升迁到教会尊严。

  • To begin with studying alone gives us free rein over what and how we study .


  • First of all we need to begin with what to govern .

    首先,我们 看要治理的是什么。

  • To begin with we had very little support but later on people began to rally to us .


  • We have an uneasy relationship with them to begin with .


  • Frankly I should never have done that to begin with .

    坦白说,我 开始,就不该那么做。

  • You started from scratch and saw how to begin with Lift using Maven .

    您是从头开始构建的,并且看到了 如何通过Maven 开始 使用Lift。

  • To begin with let me introduce Mr White to you .


  • Truth be told they were freaks to begin with .

    不过说真的,她们一 开始 已经没有了理智了。

  • If you are hoping to form a new relationship tread carefully and slowly to begin with

    如果你希望建立新的关系, 首先 慎重行事,不要着急。

  • I never loved you for your looks to begin with .

    我爱你从来不是 因为你的 外表

  • To begin with the weather was bad but it improved later in the week .

    这周 开始天气很差,但后来好转了。

  • To begin with let us examine a natural process that we have all observed .


  • To begin with I did not understand the judge 's decision but when I read the reports of the case everything fell into place .


  • To begin with my English teacher spoke too quickly and I can 't understand her .


  • To begin with I will tell you how to increase your bandwidth speed by20 % .


  • To begin with he was Prince Charming .

    首先 他是一个白马王子。

  • It was great to begin with but now it 's difficult .


  • There were six of us to begin with then two people left .

    我们一 开始有六个人,后来走了两个。

  • Today I would like to begin with a story .

    今天我将 一个故事 开始我的演讲。