to and fro

[tu ənd fro][tu: ænd frəʊ]


  • She walked to and fro .


  • The flower seemed to quiver and then swayed gently to and fro .

    花儿似乎在颤动,接着轻轻 来回 摇摆

  • Buses go to and fro between the center of the city and the city limits .

    公共汽车 往返 行驶 市中心和城市边缘之间。

  • Getting out of the carriage with drooping head he walked to and fro in silence breathing heavily .

    他走下马车,低着头,沉重地喘着气 来回 走动 一言不发地等候着。

  • Check linkage on vacuum unit by sliding to and fro to see if it moves smoothly .

    通过 来回滑动 检查真空单元上的连杆,以查看连杆移动是否平稳。

  • The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed .

    那些信号用非常快但几乎不变的速度 来回 传送

  • She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach walking to and fro .

    她看到一个孤寂的人影在荒凉的海滩上 走来走去

  • You will see that it is like a flea constantly hopping to and fro .

    你会发现 就像 跳蚤一样跳个不停。

  • There are always people in your health Life in to and fro from your world No longer lonely .

    总有些人会在你的生命里 来来 回回,从此你的世界里不再有寂寞。

  • She stood up and began to pace to and fro

    她站起身,开始 来回 踱步

  • Various kinds of vehicles run to and fro in the street .

    大街上 往来的车辆很多。

  • The slogan crier saw the dog and frog jump to and fro in the fog .

    呼口号者看见狗和青蛙在雾中 来回跳。

  • Rocking safely to and fro .

    安全 来回 摇晃

  • We had a rough time for a month tramping to and fro in the earth and suffering .

    我们吃了一个月的苦头,在大地上 往来跋涉, 受尽折磨。

  • Down in the yard the red-armed woman was still marching to and fro between the washtub and the line .

    院子里那红胳膊女人,还是在洗衣盆跟 衣绳之间忙

  • The man walked to and fro while he waited for his phone call .

    这个人在等电话时 来回 走动

  • On the contrary the frog went to and fro on the frontier looking for something edible .

    与之相反,青蛙在边境 上来 来回 寻找能吃的东西。

  • Branches waved wildly to and fro .

    树枝猛烈地 摇来摇去

  • The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water .

    小船在水中轻轻 来回 摇荡

  • Check linkage on the control box by sliding it to and fro to see if it moves smoothly .

    通过 来回滑动控制盒上的连杆 对其进行检查,以查看连杆移动是否平稳。

  • I was disturbed by all the people walking to and fro outside the office .

    人们 办公室 走来走去,使我受到了干扰。

  • Buses go to and fro between the center of the city and the suburbs .

    公共汽车 市中心和郊区之间 来回 行驶

  • In the also pitch-dark road villagers were coming to and fro silently .

    漆黑的街道上, 络绎不绝的村民们在默默地你来我

  • The girl 's pigtails swing to and fro as she runs .

    小女孩一跑,辫子就 来回甩动。

  • I became more worried when I saw all the people walking to and fro outside the office .

    看到所有的人在办公室外面 走来走去,我变得更焦虑了。

  • Now move the hand to and fro and around but not up and down .

    然后把手前后左右 旋转 摆动,但不要上下 摆动

  • Well-dressed guests moving to and fro over the thick carpets carried him back to the old days .

    那些在厚厚的地毯上 来回 走动的衣冠楚楚的客人们,把他带回到过去的日子。

  • I saw an old man walking to and fro in this street .

    我看见一个老人走在街道 徘徊