



  • This is just for one tile .

    这对一 砖瓦是正直的。

  • I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor .

    我指向地板 上的一道道划痕。

  • All About Installing Wall And Floor Tile .

    所有墙壁和地板 瓦片约安装。

  • Suitable for grinding and polishing marble granite nature and artificial stone concrete tile etc.

    具体描述:适用于大理石,花岗岩,混凝土, 瓷砖等天然和人造石材的打磨和抛光。

  • Hydrostatic pressing technology of clay tile and its equipment were introduced .

    介绍了一种使用液静压法生产粘土 的工艺和装置。

  • Charlotte was dressed for a night on the tiles

    夏洛特为 彻夜狂欢精心打扮了一番

  • A thermoplastic resin obtained by polymerization of indene and coumarone ; used in coatings and paint and asphalt tile .


  • I Will Walk You Through Everything You Need to Know to Build A Shower Floor And Install The Tile .

    你走我将通过一切你需要知道建楼,并添置了淋浴 瓦片

  • The technological theory and the machinery for deep-processing ceramic tile have been reviewed briefly .

    本文简要回顾了陶瓷 地砖深加工的工艺理论和机械设备。

  • The ancient Egyptians could make glass tile turpentine soap and dyes .

    古埃及人制造了玻璃、 瓷砖、松脂、肥皂和染料。

  • The tile broke in the first week .

    第一周 瓷砖就碎了。

  • Make sure the tile is flush with the surrounding tiles .

    要保证 每块 瓷砖都和它周围的瓷砖在同一平面上。

  • Bath Kitchen and Family room with beautiful tile floor .

    两个浴间,厨房和家庭室里有美丽的 瓷砖地板。

  • Ceramic products includes polished tile glaze tile etc.

    我司加工 销售的陶瓷产品主要有:抛光 ,釉面砖等。

  • Some part of project cases of granite floor tile and wall tile .

    部分花岗岩 地砖和墙砖的工程案例。

  • Vinyl can be laid in sheet or tile form .

    塑料地板分为卷材和 块材 种。

  • Computer simulation experiment and glazed tile rupture experiment proves the feasibility of this method .

    计算机模拟实验和对 瓷砖破裂过程的实际测量验证了此种方法的正确性。

  • Carved ornament at the eaves of a tile roof concealing the joints between tiles .


  • The cabins had linoleum tile floors .

    船舱地上铺着 油毡

  • He wants to tile the bathroom

    他想在浴室里 瓷砖

  • Amy 's shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor

    埃米走过走廊时,鞋子踩在 地砖上嘎吱作响。

  • I entered the kitchen with its old tile floor and its cherrywood cabinets .

    我走进了厨房,年月久远的 瓷砖地面,樱桃木材质的各色橱柜。

  • The Possibility of replacement of feldspa and quartz by feldspa-quartzose stone was studied in glazed tile production .

    在釉 面砖生产中研究了用长石石英岩替代长石和石英的可能性。

  • Finally you can install the new tile and baseboard .

    最后,你可以设置新的 瓦片和脚板。

  • I used to be out on the tiles every night .

    我曾每晚都在外面 花天酒地

  • The floor was marble tile and the columns alabaster .

    地板是由大理石 的,柱子则是雪花石膏打造而成。

  • Updated kitchen with lots of cabinets and tile floor .

    新的厨房里有大量橱柜和 瓷砖地板。

  • The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character .


  • Stick the pieces on with tile cement .


  • The shaded area is a value above and below the function that the tile is within .

    阴暗的区域在和上面功能下面是一个数值 砖瓦在里面。