time note

[taɪm not][taim nəut]


  • Time travel works ! the note read .

    时间 旅行是真的!

  • When changing the time it 's helpful to note that the date is always displayed in the title bar of the dialog .

    当你改变 时间 注意位于对话框标题栏的时间信息是十分有用的。

  • This is the time to make a mental note of what those items are for future purchase .

    也就是在这个 时候,我们心中就 下这些东西,将来再买下来。

  • It took him some time to disentangle a pound note from the other crumpled paper in his pocket .

    他费了好些 时间才从口袋中揉皱的纸团里取出一张一英镑的 钞票来。

  • A musical note having the time value of half a whole note .

    时间量是全 音符一半的一个音乐符号。

  • We 'll worry about how this works later ; for the time being simply note that it returns an array of KeyManager objects which have been set up with the required KeyStore file and password .

    稍后我们将考虑这是如何工作的; 目前只是 注明它返回KeyManager对象数组,已经利用必需的KeyStore文件和密码对其进行了设置。

  • At the same time we have also taken note that the growth of global economy has apparently slowed down and many uncertainties still remain .

    同时,我们也 注意 ,今年以来世界经济增长速度明显放缓,还存在许多不确定的因素。

  • The beginning that the our country appliance industry is developing once acquired the government powerful support however under the circumstance that go into a life time commitment cashing note these support will die down consumedly .

    我国家电产业在发展之 曾获得政府强有力的支持,然而在入世承诺 兑现的情况下,这些支持都将大大减弱。

  • The awakening time perplexed note and melody of the fight were not the single appearing but combined each other and deduced in their own writing by way of trio-sonata .

    觉醒的 节拍、迷惘的 音符和抗争的旋律,并不是各自单一的呈现,而是以三重奏的方式相互交织地演绎于她们的自我书写之中。

  • Napoleon said that China was a sleeping dragon and when she woke the world would take note . Well I think it 's about time the world take note .

    拿破仑说过,中国是一条沉睡的 巨龙。一旦中国觉醒,世界将是中国的天下。是的,我想那只是 迟早的事。

  • Double S slimming capsule taking the time to note that if you are breast-feeding women or in pregnancy or renal disease and severe please take doubles weight-loss drug banned .

    双s减肥药的 时候,要 注意,如果您是正在哺乳期的妇女,又或者是在妊娠期或者是肾病及重症者,请禁止服用双s减肥药。

  • Keep in mind that it 's critically important that your testers invest the proper time to execute user-acceptance tests and note any issues .

    请记住,让测试者投入适当 时间来执行用户接受测试并且 注意任何问题,这非常重要。

  • The right note at the wrong time is a wrong note ( and vice-versa ) .

    一个对的音吹在错误的 拍子上就是一个错误的 (反之亦然)。

  • At the same time it should note the closeness between the two contracts . By calculating the fuzzy closeness degree it can facilitate the application of experience . This paper proposes the establishment of corporate culture and appropriate incentives .

    同时,指出在构建过程中应该 注意两合同之间的贴近度,通过计算模糊贴近度,便于合同管理经验的应用;为使知识管理顺利实施,提出塑造企业文化和建立相应的激励机制。

  • A ) A list of the typical excuses for not being done on time : note ( These work for reports or even homework from school ) My dog ate the report .

    一些在未能 及时完成工作 常用的借口: :(适用于报告之类的工作或学校的作业)我的狗把报告吃了。

  • At the same time we must note that it is not the mere act of our personal self − consciousness which introduces an absolute unity into the variety of sense .

    同时还须 注意,那使感觉的杂多性得到绝对统一的力量,并不是自我意识的主观活动。

  • Taking the time to make a mental note of what you can do better the next time will put you on the road to continuous improvement .

    时间写个 心得,关于你下次在哪里可以做得更好,这个可以帮助你持续地进步。

  • Fresh cream cakes can 't Be kept for a long time . Please note the quality guarantee period indicated on the Bottom of the Box .

    空盒气压表的滞后现象鲜奶蛋糕,不宜 藏,请 注意盒底保质期。

  • It is time we took note .

    我们是 时候加以重视了。

  • At the same time we made note of some important changes through the years and our approach to certain parameters .

    同时,我们 说明了近年来的一些重要更改,以及对于某些参数的处理方法。

  • Those mainstream thinkers of that time have taken note of multiple implications and meanings of negative and positive individuality which shows that Chinese intellectuals ' understanding of modernity is deepening .

    五四主流思想家 注意 消极个性与积极个性的多重内涵与意义,表明中国知识分子对现代性理解的深化。

  • This suggests that having therapy intensified and taking the medications as prescribed resulted in these patients'decreases in BP levels over time the authors note .

    作者 认为,这提示了强化治疗和规范化治疗导致这些患者血压下降。

  • By the time he finished the last note he could feel the tears burning in his eyes .

    等他看完最后一 ,他觉得热辣辣的泪水刺得眼睛生疼。

  • Then one breakfast time Hedwig brought Harry another note from Hagrid .

    然后,一天早饭的 时间,海德薇给哈利带来了一 海格的 字条

  • Sani says : This may take a few days longer but it lets your interviewer know that you care and while everyone else is just clicking ' reply ' you 're taking the time to write a personalized note .

    萨尼说:这样面试官会晚几天时间收到,但它可以让面试官知道你很重视,当其他人只是点击回复邮件时,你花 时间认真写了 回信

  • At the same time we should note that the increasing growth of the inflow FDI to china occurred in the background of the gradual adjustment of RMB exchange rate and the exchange rate regime .

    应该 注意 ,人民币汇率与汇率制度的逐步调整,与流入我国的FDI的持续增长,始终是 相伴相随的。