


v.(使)倾斜( tilt的过去式和过去分词 )

  • Walls tilted for acoustical reasons may cause glare .

    对声学的原因可能会造成眩光墙 倾斜

  • She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin .


  • Amy tilted her wine in her glass with a luxurious sigh .

    埃米 酒杯晃了晃酒,惬意地舒了一口气。

  • Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him

    玛丽 把头 向后 ,以便能看到他。

  • When the political climate tilted towards fundamentalism he was threatened

    当政治气候 倾向于原教旨主义时,他受到了威胁。

  • The boat is tilted to one side .

    船身 倾斜

  • She tilted the mirror and began to comb her hair


  • He tilted the car ( up ) to empty it .

    他把小车 倾侧倒空。

  • Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body

    伦纳德把椅子向后 倾斜,仅以两条腿作支撑,然后舒展开他长长的身躯。

  • He tilted his chair backwards .

    他把椅子向后 倾斜了过去。

  • The table tilted and the plates slipped .

    桌子 倾斜(撷)盆子都滑下去了。

  • The boat instantly tilted filled and sank .

    船立即 倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。

  • He tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor .

    他把椅子 倾斜的太厉害了,因而摔倒在地板上。

  • While it rotates around the liquid in this tilted tube will be vertical .

    随着它旋转, 倾斜试管中的液体表面变得垂直。

  • The reason of condenser component drag is analyzed when air flows through tilted A-shaped direct air-cooled condenser .

    文章分析了空气流经 倾斜“A”型直接空冷凝汽器时,凝汽器各部分阻力产生的原因。

  • The influence of tilted phase on the focal switch is also studied .

    着重研究相位 倾斜对焦开关现象的影响。

  • The machining and assembling methods for bearing with tilted pad was presented .

    介绍了 可倾瓦轴承的加工及装配方法。

  • The camshafts must not be preloaded or tilted .

    不得预装或 倾斜凸轮轴。

  • The tray tipped up and the plates slid off . ERGONOMICS . Tilted steering wheel . Automotive controls .

    托盘倾斜了,碟子都滑下来了。人机工程设计: 倾斜 方向盘,自动控制。

  • A full length mirror in a frame in which it can be tilted .

    在框架内部可以 倾斜的长镜子。

  • The pillar is a little tilted .


  • If the racquet is tilted or laid back at contact you do not get this brushing effect .

    如果网拍在接触球时是 倾斜的或者被向后地放置,你不会得到这一梳刷的效果。

  • As Earth orbits the sun its tilted axis always points in the same direction .

    地球在围着太阳旋转时,其 倾斜轴总是在同一个方向。

  • His wife tilted his head to the side and inspected the wound

    妻子 他的头侧 过去检查他的伤口。

  • You believe the economy has tilted the odds in your favor .


  • We investigate the aberration properties of the conformal optical system with decentered and tilted elements by vector aberration theory .

    运用矢量像差理论分析了包含有较大偏心量和有较大 倾斜角元件的共形光学系统的像差特性。

  • The elevator tilted upward-slightly increases the down-load in the tail .

    升降舵稍微向前 倾斜,增加了机尾向下的载荷。

  • With the valve cover tilted up you can see the single overhead cam shaft and valves .

    与阀盖 倾斜了,您可以看到单一的架空凸轮轴和阀门。

  • On social issues Mr Bush tilted far enough to the right to scare away secular and libertarian Republicans .

    在社会问题上,布什的高度 右倾姿态吓跑了信封世俗和自由主义的共和党人。