time bargains


  • It saves time and sometimes you can find really amazing bargains .

    这既节省 时间,有时你也会发现真正的惊喜 折扣

  • January was traditionally a good time to pick up bargains on the stock market as well as anywhere else .

    每年1月份通常都是买 便宜 的好 时候,股市上 如此,在其它地方也是如此。

  • As this was in retrospect a great time to scoop up bargains in the equity market that may show that rich people are just better at calling the market rather than fundamentally more risk-averse .

    回过头看,这 时间是在股市中 大举 低价 买进的大好 时机,这或许表明,富人只是在判断市场方面做得更好,而不是从本质上回避风险。

  • People see this period as a good time to pick up bargains .

    人们认为这个季节是买 降价 的好 时机

  • Now is a time to pick up bargains .

    现在是拣 便宜 时候了。

  • And in time Google body could serve ads for health care or maps could include local ads that notify users of nearby bargains .

    总有一 ,GoogleBody能向医疗保健 行业卖广告;而谷歌地图中将出现本地广告,向用户提供附近的 特价 信息

  • At the same time governments which typically control mineral rights are driving ever-harder bargains .

    政府通常掌控采矿权, 同时也是 砍价最狠的那个。

  • Sears decided to open on Thanksgiving Day itself for the first time though still holding back its best bargains for Black Friday .

    而西尔斯 首次决定在感恩节营业,尽管其仍把最好的 特价 商品留到黑色星期五。

  • August is a good time to hunt out bargains .

    8月是搜罗 便宜 的好 时机