tin foil

[tɪn fɔɪl][tin fɔil]


  • Use tin foil to pass the custom check .

    放到 罐头 躲过海关的检查。

  • Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil .

    牛奶瓶盖是 锡箔做的。

  • Lay a baking paper or tin foil on the pastry case and put enough dried beans to cover the bottom thickly .

    取出塔 ,铺上一张烤纸或是 锡纸,然后再放上豆子,入预热烤箱烘焙18分钟。

  • Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins . fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles

    麝香葡萄用来产葡萄酒或葡萄干的各种白色甜葡萄香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用铅或 锡箔制作

  • The evidence as my tin foil-covered window has told me in clear tones is but a roll of tin foil away .

    证据,作为我的锡纸盖住的窗户已经告诉了我确切的答案,这仅是被一卷 锡纸驱赶走的。

  • Tin and tin alloy foil lead and lead alloy foil Zinc foil

    GB/T5191-1985 、铅及其合金 和锌箔

  • He wrapped his sandwiches in tin foil .

    他用 锡纸所起了他的三明治。

  • His creations included a solar cooker made out of an umbrella and tin foil which did not work very well and an automatic gate-closer made out of cement-filled tyres .

    他的小发明包括利用雨伞和 锡箔制造的一台运作不太好的太阳能烹饪机,用填满水泥的轮胎制造的自动关门机。

  • DIY Paradise-Cotton salt cooked sugar tin foil feathers and canvas .

    DIY乐园-棉花,盐,糖煮熟, 锡纸,羽毛和帆布。

  • A thin film of active tin that can reversibly react with lithium was electrodeposited onto a copper foil collector and employed as anode for lithium ion battery after a heat-treatment in argon atmosphere .

    采用电沉积方法直接在 集流体上沉积一层可与锂反应的活性 金属 ,在氩气气氛中烧结处理后作为锂离子电池的负极。

  • Fabricated capsule of lead or tin foil for champagne or wine bottles

    香槟酒或葡萄酒瓶盖,用铅或 锡箔制作

  • The metal tin electrodeposited on cupper foil was used as anode material of lithium-ion batteries .

    采用电镀法在 铜箔上制得了金属 电极,用作锂离子蓄电池阳极材料进行了电化学测试。

  • The metal conducting layer coating the two insulation layers of the copper core wires can be a layer of copper foil or a layer of a tin foil or a layer of aluminum foil ;

    所述包覆在其中两个铜芯线绝缘层外面的金属导电层可以是一层铜箔或一层 锡箔或一层铝箔;

  • The method can be used to determine indium in tin foil and lead excavation sample with satisfactory results .

    利用上述反应拟定了测定铟的方法,经过适当处理,可用于 锡箔和铅挖样中微量铟的测定。