tight market

[taɪt ˈmɑrkɪt][tait ˈmɑ:kit]


  • College graduates have to face a tight job market .

    毕业生不得不面对 严峻的就业 市场

  • Competition from domestic fund managers is expected to grow further squeezing those companies that need to improve their brand awareness and retain talent in a tight labour market .

    预计来自中资基金管理公司的竞争将更加激烈,那些必须提升自身品牌知名度并在劳动力 市场 紧缩的状况下留住人才的公司将受到进一步的挤压。

  • You can negotiate your salary in a tight job market .

    低迷的就业 市场上你也可以协商薪资。

  • Those studying abroad will most likely return home for jobs because of the tight job market Tang said .

    对于毕业生还在在 紧缩的人才 市场中与海外的留学生 竞争

  • Our results showed that : ( 1 ) whether the real economy the price level changes in the money supply growth or tight market funds will have positive impacts on the level factor .

    结果显示:(1)无论是实体经济、价格水平还是货币供应量增长的变化以及 紧张 市场资金都会对 利率 期限结构的水平因子产生正向的影响,且影响程度较大。

  • While the oil price rally partly reflects a tight physical market the difference between spot and forward prices is bigger than in previous tight markets such as 2008 and 2004 .

    尽管此轮油价上涨在一定程度上反映了实物 市场 供应 紧张,但目前现货和远期的价差大于以往市场供应紧张(如2008年和2004年)时的水平。

  • The rush for delivery on Tuesday pushed the price of copper for immediate delivery to $ 114 a tonne above copper for delivery in three months the highest such backwardation since September 2008 and a traditional sign of a tight market .

    周二,受投资者争相进行交割的因素推动,即期交割的铜价比3个月交割的期铜每吨高出114美元,为2008年9月以来最高水平的现货升水,也是 市场 紧张的一个传统迹象。

  • Growing demand for air travel also has led to a tight market for pilots world-wide which threatens to stifle the industry 's growth .

    此外,航空旅行需求增加也造成全球 范围 飞行员人数不足,甚至威胁到行业的发展。

  • Even with fiscal and monetary support the economy may continue to struggle amid uncertainty over external demand limited wage rises and a tight labour market .

    即便有财政与货币政策的支持,日本经济在外需不确定、加薪幅度有限以及劳动力 市场 供应 紧张的情况下可能继续挣扎。

  • Increased availability of older people and migrant workers however has helped fill vacancies and restrain inflationary pay rises in a tight labour market say economists .

    然而,经济学家表示,老龄和移民工人人数的增加,帮助填补了职位空缺,并抑制了 紧张劳动力 市场上薪金的上涨。

  • Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do especially in a tight job market .

    注意细节是每个人都能做的并且应该做到的事情,尤其在 竞争 激烈的就业 市场中更应该这样。

  • With old benchmark levels lagging spot prices by as much as 100 per cent in a tight market for the resource iron ore costs will double in the short term .

    由于在一个资源 供不应求 市场里,旧的基准定价水平较现货价低100%,铁矿石成本短期内将增长一倍。

  • In such a tight labour market companies appease workers by offering higher wages .

    劳动力卖方 市场,企业以提供更高的工资来满足雇员。

  • Morgan Stanley has raised its forecast to a 50 per cent rise in iron ore prices for 2008 to reflect an exceptionally tight market .

    摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)已将2008年铁矿石价格涨幅预期上调至50%,以反映异常 紧张 市场 供应

  • Analysts said it was rare for a bank to hire an entire team in what has become a tight market for Asian private equity talent .

    分析人士表示,一家银行在亚洲私人股本人才 供不应求 市场上招募到整个团队,实属罕见。

  • In a tight labour market what we have given them probably helps .

    吃紧的劳动力 市场,我们给他们的东西可能会有所帮助。

  • Discusses the production / sales decision model for the price control of the seasonal goods on tight market such as perishable vegetables and fruits .

    讨论了蔬菜、水果等易于变质的季节性商品等在 供不应求情况下的价格控制和生产销售决策模型。

  • Structural demand growth in developing countries and ongoing supply constraints continue to paint a tight market picture over the medium-term the IEA said in its Medium-Term Oil Market Report .

    IEA在其《中期原油市场报告》( Medium-TermOil MarketReport)中谈道:鉴于发展中国家的结构性需求增长和持续的供应紧张,从中期来看, 市场仍将 吃紧

  • But the driving cause is factories being forced to pay more to attract workers amid an increasingly tight labour market .

    但更主要的原因是,在一个供应日益 紧张的劳动力 市场中,工厂被迫要支付更高工资来吸引工人。

  • A Production / Sales Decision Model for Price Control of Seasonal Goods on Tight Market


  • This led to a cut in projected metal supplies to an already tight market .

    这导致已然 吃紧 市场遭遇预期供应减少。

  • But those skeptical of a sharp price fall point to a raft of continued gloomy news on the fundamental supply-and-demand side arguing that an already tight market isn 't likely to loosen for months .

    但对油价大幅下跌持怀疑态度的人称,关键是供需基本面仍面临大量不利消息,目前 市场 紧张状况不太可能在今后几个月缓和。

  • The Bank of England had suggested that the ready availability of migrant workers was one reason why wage rises have not spiralled out of control in a tight labour market .

    英国央行(bankofengland)已表示,在 供不应求的劳动力 市场中,现成的移民工人,是工资上涨速度没有失控的原因之一。

  • Make no mistake clean-energy deployment driven by a tight oil market will be slower more limited and less pleasant in the absence of good policy from Washington .

    别搞错了,在美国没有完善能源政策的情况下,仅凭供应 紧张的石油 市场推动,清洁能源的部署将较为缓慢、局限比较多,过程也会不那么愉快。

  • The embargo comes against the backdrop of a tight commodities market .

    这次禁运,是在农产品 市场已经 颇为 紧张的背景下实施的。

  • Yet young people in particular are posting things that can prove especially hurtful in a tight job market .

    而现在的人们,尤其是年青人正在不断地发布一些内容,可能会让他们在以后竞争 激烈的就业 市场上自食恶果。

  • Another contributing factor is that they lack both the confidence and the sophistication that are needed to find work in a tight job market .

    另一个起作用的因素是他们缺少信心和经验,而这在劳动力 市场景气的情况下,对找工作尤为重要。

  • Yet despite the injection of new leadership the Asian private banking operation may find it hard to hire a sufficient number of new Asian bankers in what has become an extremely tight market for top talent .

    然而,尽管瑞士信贷注入了新的领导力量,但在一个顶尖人才极度 紧缺 市场,其亚洲私人银行业务可能很难找到足够多的新一批亚洲银行家。