to bargain for...


  • Parent 's supervision did not work all the time as children had learnt to bargain for more time to play .

    父母的监督一直没有效果,因为孩子已经 学会讨价还价 争取更多时间来玩。

  • Navigating the market that lined the path from the parking lot took time : Malachi had to bargain for T-shirts passion fruit and chess sets .

    从停车场出来,经过的道路两边都设有市场,从市场里寻路走过去花了我们不少时间。玛拉基 砍价 T恤、西番莲果和国际象棋棋具。

  • However some sovereign wealth funds are expected to drive a hard bargain and demand a discount on the general share price in exchange for giving their blessing to the offering by becoming large anchor investors .

    但是,预计一些主权财富基金会狠狠 杀价,要求 它们打折,以回报它们同意参与购股、成为大型的“锚投资者”。

  • No one who commits a crime should be able to bargain for a pardon .

    任何犯了罪的人都应该不能 交易 免罪。

  • After fully consideration of the investment undertaken risks and satisfaction with allocation decisions of node enterprises in shipbuilding supply chain the paper applies the asymmetric Nash negotiation model to design a bargain mechanism for cooperation benefit allocation of shipbuilding supply chain .

    并充分考虑各节点企业的投资额、承担的风险及分配方案满意度,应用不对称Nash谈判模型设计了造船供应链合作利益分配的 协商机制。

  • You can use these faults to bargain for a better price .

    您可以利用这些缺点 争取一个更好的价格。

  • Even in the traditional way of shopping and retailers and to bargain for the selected goods is not an easy task the two sides do not meet the network on a more even more difficult .

    即使在传统的购物方式中,与零售商的 讨价还价 商品的 选也并非一件易事,在双方不见面的网络上就更加难上加难了。

  • Come to bargain for the map doubtless .

    肯定是 着地图 的。

  • The cachet of investing in the best hedge funds meant a few celebrated managers were able to bargain for the longest lock-up periods .

    在最好的对冲基金中,投资证明意味着少数投资大亨 能够 指望 得到最长的期权锁定期。

  • I 'm not familiar with that the job entails I 'm not in the position to bargain for the salary . I believe you must have a standard starting salary which should be satisfactory .

    这个工作需要负担起什么样的责任我也不太晓得,所以我没有办法 这个薪金的问题,我想你们一定有一个标准的起薪,总会应该使一般人满意的。

  • What a fool I was to bargain away my best dishes for this worthless furniture .

    我真傻,用我最好的餐具 了这不 值钱的家具。

  • It was foolish of them to bargain away a vast area of their territory for a sum of money .

    为了一笔钱,他们 轻易地放弃了大片领土,真是太蠢了。

  • They decide to go with Hawk-eye to bargain for Cora 's release .

    他们决定和鹰眼一道 请求释放 科拉

  • Bob and Beth continue to bargain for over an hour and Bob won 't compromise .

    鲍伯和贝丝 继续 谈判了一个小时,但鲍伯不愿让步。

  • Gentlemen if you wish to lead a reel with the lady of your choice you must bargain for her .

    先生们,如果你们 同你所挑选的一位女士领跳一场弗吉尼亚双人舞,你就得 出钱 她。

  • The contract nature of the firm proves to be consistence with stakeholders theory . The stakeholders bargain for the ownership of the firm and the outcome of the bargaining determines the governance of the firm .

    企业的契约性与利益相关者理论具有一致性,利益相关者 企业的所有权 分配 进行 谈判,谈判的结果决定了企业的治理结构,企业治理结构是内生的, 需要随着时代的发展而发展。

  • Chinese currency reserves will support its enterprises to acquire bargain production brand and distribution assets abroad for higher profit margins .

    中国的外汇储备将支持它的企业 海外生产,品牌和渠道资产的 并购 获得更高的利润。

  • I find having to bargain for most things annoying at times .

    我发现 东西都 讨价还价,这让人困扰。

  • Foreign investment need not come at the expense of American jobs but it makes it harder for American workers to bargain for higher wages when the same job can be done for far less abroad .

    海外投资无需以牺牲美国国内就业为代价,然而对美国人来说,同样一份工作在海外的薪酬低得多的事实使得他们很难 雇主 讨价还价

  • They prefer to bargain with individual clients for cash

    现款方面,他们更 愿意散户打交道

  • Digital cameras are not as expensive as they used to be either . You can snap up a bargain for as little as $ 100 ( 665 yuan ) .

    数码相机的 售价也不再像过去那么高昂,现在只需100美元(合665元人民币)你便可以 抢购到它了。

  • To improve the situation plea bargain has become a common practice for the prosecution and defense .

    为了解决这个问题,辩诉 交易就成了检察官和律师间的默契选择。

  • It is very popular in real life to bargain when trade takes place but it is very important for determination of spot prices relative to long term or short term prices .

    在经济生活中,商品交易时的 讨价还价是一个普通和常见的现象,但其 对于相对长期价格和短期价格而言的即期价格的确定却发挥着重要作用。

  • Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas apples tomatoes or whatever .

    吉姆喜欢 豌豆、苹果、西红柿或者其它别的东西 和他们 交换一些 东西

  • When the politician agree to answer question on television he get more than he have bargain for

    这个政客 同意在电视上公开回答问题,不料 弄巧成拙

  • The way to win back price-sensitive Chinese consumers who are serious bargain hunters even when they shop for a $ 2 000 bag may just be lower prices .

    中国客户对价格相当敏感,就算他们买一个两千美元的 皮包时也是这样,降低价格是 争取他们的办法之一。