to be more exact

[tu bi mɔr ɪɡˈzækt][tu: bi: mɔ: iɡˈzækt]


  • To be more exact its bust girth is appropriate .

    确切 ,旗袍的胸襟是恰到好处地笼在女性的胸部。

  • People try to hide the secret information into the ordinary works and distribute them so that we can follow tort and offer legal protection this can be called information hiding and maybe Steganography is more exact .

    人们尝试 秘密信息隐藏于普通文件中散发出去,用以跟踪侵权行为并提供法律保护的证据,这称为信息隐藏(InformationHiding)或 严格 称为信息伪装(Steganography)。

  • The energy problem in China characteristic of rare oil and gas resources but rich coal resource lies in coal problem . To be more exact it is the interrelations shown among economic basis systems and environment plus industry and organization .

    就我国富煤缺油少气的资源格局而言,中国的能源问题, 直接的表现 煤炭问题,其实质是经济基础、制度环境和产业组织三者的相互关系问题。

  • The information or to be more exact the data becomes open .

    信息, 准确 数据,变得开放。

  • As the development of computer integration of advanced manufacture and model design the product info is required to be more general and exact in order to support more phases of product-lifecycle .

    随着先进制造和现代设计技术向集成化方向发展,对产品的信息描述要求 更加全面、 准确,以支持产品生命周期的更多阶段。

  • I had a hunch that this would be possible or to be more exact could see no reason why it should not be so .

    我预感到这是可能 做到的,或者 确切 ,我看不出为何不行的任何理由。

  • Sabine formula is usually used to calculate the sound absorption coefficient by the method of reverberation chamber . The error must be analyzed to make the sound absorption coefficient more accurate . In addition Eyring formula is better for the exact calculation .

    混响室法测定吸声系数常用赛宾公式 计算,在计算时 必须分析其误差大小,使吸声系数的测定 值更准确( 准确的计算最好用艾润公式)。

  • To be more exact instrumental competence includes two aspects : the use of translation tools and the competence needed to be a professional translator .

    具体 来说,翻译工具应用能力包括两个方面:翻译工具的使用以及译者的职业化意识。

  • So I came out in the hope of meeting you looking for you with care and now I have you . To be more exact its bust girth is appropriate .

    因此,我出来迎接你,恳切求见你的面,恰巧遇见了你。 确切 ,旗袍的胸襟是恰到好处地笼在女性的胸部。

  • But from January they will have to be made of more traditional forms of material although the exact details have not been made clear .

    但是从一月份开始,泳衣 必须更加传统的材料制作,尽管 细节问题还没有明确。

  • Such data logging and telemetry have made what used to be more of an art into an exact science .

    这些数据记载和遥测装置已从过去 用于艺术,进阶 成为 精密的科学。

  • Traditional information methods always return the whole document or a full paragraph to the users as results . But in course of query information sharing and information reusing users usually require the result to be more exact .

    另一方面传统信息提取技术往往将整篇或者整段文字作为结果返回给用户,而在信息查询、信息共享以及信息重用中,往往 需要 精确、范围 多样化的信息。

  • Some defects exist in present civil law to be more exact the law has no supervisory articles on such acts as the guardians negligence of guardianship and even harming the legal rights of juveniles .

    现行民法监护制度 不完善, 尤其 缺乏对监护人未履行监护职责、甚至存在损害被监护人的权益的行为缺乏监督条款。

  • Through the optimal to the system and analysis the structure of spares a much more appropriate systematical parameter and the structure scale could be gotten for a more exact basis of the future experimental process .

    通过 系统进行优化和零件结构的有限元分析, 得到更合理的系统参数和结构尺寸,对以后实验阶段提供 准确的理论依据。

  • To be more exact it 's the Qiang flute .

    准确 应该是羌笛。

  • I consider myself to be a liberal democrat or to be more exact a democratic liberal .

    我认为自己是个自由主义的民主党人,或者 准确 ,是倡导民主的自由主义者。

  • Effective Chinese education is supposed to promote the realization of the Chinese education objective to be more exact to serve the promotion of the students ' personality development .

    有效的语文课程评价应该促进语文教育目标的实现, 确切 应该 促进学生个性发展服务。

  • To be more exact men 's brains can 't be compared with computers .


  • If cement plant labouratory use EXCEL program to deal with its huge database the test will be more exact and timely .

    水泥企业化验室利用EXCEL处理其庞大的数据, 将会极大 提高化验操作的 准确性和及时性。

  • To be more exact five men brought the Revolution to Stone Wall Village .

    确切 ,这场革命 五个人带来的。

  • In mainland China brand naming has undergone a process of from simple to complicated or to be more exact from traditional old fashioned names to varied modern names .

    中国大陆商标命名 经过一个 世纪的变迁,经历了一个由简单到复杂的过程:商标命名由封建时代的老 字号发展到现代多样化品牌。

  • If you 'd prefer to be more strict you can use the eq method in the query instead to require an exact match .

    如果您 愿意 严格一些,可以使用此查询内的eq方法来要求一个 确切的匹配。

  • To be more exact thought has its universality which is the basis of translation but it also has its individuality namely national character which is predominantly reflected in this fact that different nations own different modes of thinking .

    确切 ,思维的共性是翻译的基础,但思维还具有个性,即民族性,集中表现为各民族思维方式的差异。

  • The urgent report was completed in less than one day-six hours to be more exact .

    “这篇紧急报告在不到一天的时间里, 确切地说,只花了六个小时就完成了。”

  • The method is proved to be more exact by living examples and can avoid the drawbacks of the former methods .

    实例证明,该公式有效避免了以往方法的不足,体现出 计算 精度