thyroid colloid

[ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd ˈkɑlˌɔɪd][ˈθaɪˌrɔɪd ˈkɔlɔid]


  • Pathological examination showed that model group thyroid to take on different degrees of acinar expansion acinar colloid thin . Some acinar destruction alveolar and interstitial lymphocyte infiltrated clearly serious cases formed lymphoid follicles it is thus clear that more eosinophil infiltration .

    病理检查结果显示,模型组大部分 甲状腺呈现不同程度的腺泡扩张,腺泡腔内 胶质稀薄,部分腺泡破坏,腺泡及间质可见明显淋巴细胞浸润,严重者形成淋巴滤泡,可见较多嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。

  • The thyroid in three experimental groups was typical colloid goiter .

    实验各组 甲状腺呈典型的 胶质性甲状腺肿。

  • The thyroid morphology is colloid goiter and with iodine dose increasing the follicular epithelial cells gradually become thallus the nuclear become shuttle the cavity of follicle gradually spread colloid content gradually increasing .

    甲状腺组织为 胶质性甲状腺肿,且随碘剂量的增加,甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞逐渐变为扁平,核呈梭形,滤泡腔逐渐扩大,胶质逐渐增多。

  • The microphotographs proceeded by printing ink of random sections cut from thyroid tissues of 8 species of animals were measured by Image Analyser ( Quantimet 720 ) the two-dimensional image data of thyroid colloid on sections were obtained .

    用图象分析仪测定了8种动物 甲状腺随机切片的显微照片(经涂墨加工),获得了该组织 胶体的二维平面的图象数据。

  • Although thyroid follicles grow bigger and bigger from 60 to 90 days old not all the follicular cavities are evenly filled with colloid and dyeing is light and uneven .

    60&90日龄鸭 甲状腺滤泡虽然增大,但其内部 凝胶 均质 充满不完全或 空虚,着色浅而不均匀。

  • Morphology change of thyroid : for the mice of two strain enlargement of the thyroid was observed in the HI and HI + Tg group than C group the absolute and relative weight were increased ( P0.01 ) and enlarged follicular lumen with colloid accumulation was observed .

    结果:1.甲状腺组织形态学变化:两品系小鼠HI组和HI+Tg组 甲状腺较C组肿大,绝对和相对重量增加(P0.01),出现滤泡扩张、 胶质潴留。

  • Conclusion : The decreased activities of CB and CD were one of reasons of thyroid colloid retention resulted from iodine excess .

    结论CB和CD活性的下降是过量碘导致的 甲状腺 胶质潴留的重要原因之一。

  • Objective To evaluate the feasibility and effect of treatment of thyroid adenoma and cystic degeneration of thyroid adenoma by injection of colloid 32 P with ultrasonic guidance .

    目的探讨超声引导下32P 胶体注射治疗甲状腺腺瘤和 腺瘤囊性变的可行性和治疗效果。

  • Treatment of benign lesions in thyroid with colloid ~ ( 32 ) P under ultrasonic guidance : a clinical study

    超声引导下~(32)P 胶体 注射治疗 甲状腺良性病变的临床研究

  • The thyroid adenoma group consisted of 7 embryonal adenoma 7 fetal adenoma 6 colloid adenoma and 6 simple adenoma specimens .

    甲状腺 滤泡性腺瘤26例,其中胚胎型腺瘤7例,胎儿型腺瘤7例,单纯型腺瘤6例, 型腺瘤6例;正常 甲状腺组织5例。

  • Conclusions Drinking water with excess iodine can induce pathological change of thyroid of experimental animals which presents dose response relation . The manifestation is thyroid accrementition dysbolism of colloid angiotelectasis and interstitial edema .

    结论高碘饮用水可引起实验动物呈剂量反应的甲状腺病理组织改变, 甲状腺增生、 胶质代谢障碍、毛细血管扩张及间质水肿为其主要表现。