[计] 年[经] 年(网络用语)Yeah Right (是的对)

  • Overweight rate of 7 ~ 14 yr children was 11.97 % and obesity rate was 9.30 % ;

    7~14 儿童的超重率为11.97%,肥胖率为9.30%;

  • Is fitness popular in yr country ?


  • Re : Dlvry Pls ifm yr best dlvry time . The condition of taxable goods being stored in a warehouse until the taxes or duties owed on them are paid .

    关于交货期,请告知你方最佳交货时间。将应纳税物品放在堆栈中,待交完关税或其它 税后再取出。

  • And pls confirm if you request to issue combine bl if yr bookings on same vsl with same shipper consignee notify name every time .

    请确认按你们的要求合并提单,如果每次是相同的发货人、 收货人及被通知人的话。

  • I beg yr pardon I never promised u a rose garden .

    血气美颜 护肤的玫瑰花 你喝过没有?

  • If the product we offered above is some different from what you require actually kindly inform us in detail we will be pleased to re-offer you as per yr actual requirements asap .

    如果我们提供的产品与你所需要的产品有所 出入的话,请详细指出来,我们将尽快对你的要求给你答复。

  • Power spectral analysis indicates a 35 yr period dominated by low frequent variations exists .

    功率谱分析显示有35 左右的周期。 年代 尺度 波动是干湿变化的 重要 背景

  • Well its been a good yr too bad its over the actor 22 Tweeted Friday seemingly alluding to his diminished role on the show .

    过去的一 的很 不错,很 遗憾这么快就结束了这位22岁的演员上周五在推特里如此写道,似乎暗示自己在该剧中被削弱的角色。

  • In numerical integrations for 107 yr it showed that those stable orbits are connected with the 2:1 resonance .

    在对系统长达107 数值积分中,发现所有的稳定轨道均与2:1共振相关联。

  • While a man was polishing his new car his4 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car .

    一个人正为他新买的车 打蜡,不留神他4岁的儿子捡起了一块石头在车身上画了许多线。

  • I really hope that yr government can give us fair report .

    我真的希望 你们的政府能给我们一个公正的汇报。

  • Risk increases primarily during the years of contraceptive use and tapers off during the10 yr after stopping .

    危险性增加主要是在服药期间,在停 后10 年间逐渐减少。

  • The total ascertainment corrected incidence was 0.40/100 000 / yr ( 95 % CI : 0.37 ~ 0.42 ) .

    总确定校正发病率为0.40/10万/ 〔95%可信区间(CI)为0.37~0.42〕。

  • The sulfur emitted as SO 2 was 3460 t / yr which accounted for 5.01 % of the total .

    另外向大气排放SO2约 3.46kt/a,占总硫量的5.01%。

  • Pls note that the product pictures will be sent to you upon yr request and a small sample could also be sent to you for yr final checking if the price is finally acceptable .

    经过 的同意后 我们将会把产品图片发送给你,在你确定价格后 我们将会把 小样 邮寄给你。

  • And if the selection differentials are 50 % in height and over 20 % in diameter gains of about 20 % in height and diameter and of over 50 % in volume will be achieved at 20 yr old .

    如树高按50%、直径按20%以上的选择差选择,到20 时,树高和直径 保持20%左右效益, 材积可获得50%以上 效益

  • Now my husband was sitting in the parking lot of motor vehicles fuming mad at his mother and with a17 yr old crying her eyes out next to him .

    现在,我老公蹲在 车管所的停车场,生他妈妈的闷气,而身边还站个泪流满面的17岁的女儿。

  • Approach the objects of yr lomographic desire as close as possible .

    尽可能地接近 期望中的物体。

  • You look very nice in yr photo .


  • S : Fixed site observations for 14 yr long term investigation on the soil water losses in the sloping red earth ( slope 8 ° - 15 °) showed that soil water losses were closely correlated with land slope and vegetative coverage .

    在8°~15°的红壤坡地上,对水土流失做了14 的定位观察。结果表明,水土流失与土壤坡度和植被覆盖度密切相关。

  • Bolton and ther band of bullies have placed high with sam in recent years I cnt see them doing anything like that next yr and maybe even Lipping into the relegation battle .

    虽然博尔顿和有带欺负放在高与山姆近年来,我CNT的看到他们做一样的是,明年 里亚尔,甚至下滑到降级的战斗。

  • Purchase it at the starting price of $ 15 / yr


  • Keep track of every day the date emblazoned in yr morning .

    为每个 神奇的早晨,每一天留下记录。

  • And don 't just say I need it and then back down because you will continue to get nothing for the rest of yr life .

    不过可别只说:“我要 性福生活!”然后就没 下文了。因为如果是这样,你下半辈子就什么都争取不到了。

  • Methods The dietary investigation lasting for one year was carried out in 40 patients ( range 44 ~ 77 yr ) with type 2 diabetes .

    方法对40例44~77 的本市糖尿病病人进行了为期1年的膳食调查, 计算每人每日 平均摄入膳食纤维( 10.4 ± 4.7g

  • ' We have a party this month for a4 yr old 's b-day 'she wrote . 'No plan for donations to a charity just no gifts .

    她写到:我们这个月要为一个4 的孩子举办生日聚会,因为没有慈善捐赠计划,所以要求不带礼物。

  • Nominations included stonehenge the double decker bus fish and chips the English weat yr and the cup of tea .

    提名名单中包含了巨石遗址、双层巴士、炸 鱼片配薯条、英国天气和茶。

  • Scribbled secret notebooks and wild typewritten pages for yr own joy .

    记点秘密笔记,想到哪儿打字 就打到哪儿,为了自己欢喜。

  • How do one wrangle an invite to dinner at yr place ?

    一个人怎样可以争取到到 家用晚餐?

  • Write for the world to read and see yr exact pictures of it .

    写了让世界去读,要看到精确的 画面