top operator

[tɑp ˈɑpəˌretɚ][tɔp ˈɔpəreitə]


  • A new small target detection method based on energy accumulation and morphology top-hat operator is presented for solving detection of moving small target with low SNR in infrared image sequence .

    针对红外序列图象中运动弱小目标的检测问题,提出了一种基于能量累积与 Tophat 算子的小目标检测方法。

  • The Spanish company among the world 's top five telecommunications groups by market value is keen to beef up its presence in China and last year bought a 5 per cent stake in China Netcom a leading mainland fixed-line operator .

    作为市值排名全球 五的电信集团,西班牙电话公司热切希望加强中国业务,并于去年收购了中国内地领先固话 运营 &中国网通(ChinaNetcom)5%的股权。

  • PCCW has basically traded in Hong Kong 's top mobile operator for one of the minnows which it is now struggling to develop .

    电讯盈科实质上放弃了香港 最大移动 运营 地位,转而专注于移动通讯行业的一个小领域,如今正在艰难发展业务。

  • Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartridge ( top mounted ) A magnetic disk unit in which some disks are fixed and others may be exchanged by an operator .

    GB/T2308-1980 装式单片可换盒式磁盘的机械性能一种磁盘存储设备,其中一些磁盘是固定的,另一些则可以由 操作员更换其中的盘片。

  • To be a successful competitor to make the dream of to be an international top operator a world class company real China_Unicom must use for reference of other successful companies and cherish better service as the trump .

    为了能够在竞争中站住脚,并且能够实现创国际 一流 电信 企业,做世界级卓越公司的梦想,中国联通必须借鉴成功企业的经验,将服务为本作为企业致胜法宝。

  • In detecting course morphologic operator that is Top hat operator is adopted . According to the continuity of target noise and cloud group can be excluded .

    在检测过程中采用形态学中的 Top hat 滤波,并根据目标运动的连续性去除噪声和云团。

  • By adding another user interface on top of the default software loaded on to a smartphone by a mobile operator or manufacturer launchers offer unprecedented control and detailed data on a device .

    通过在手机 运营 或生产商安装在智能手机 的默认软件 之外再添加一个用户界面,启动器就能实现前所未有的控制权,并掌握手机上的详尽数据。

  • Because the morphological top hat operator can extract the local optima of an image this paper applies it to two main fields of multisensor image fusion : multifocus image fusion and panchromatic and multispectral image fusion .

    本文根据形态学 Tophat 算子能够提取图像中极大值与极小值区域的特点,将其应用于多传感器图像融合的两个重要领域&多聚焦图像融合和高分辨、多光谱图像融合。

  • Genetic algorithm with top enhanced operator

    带有 顶端增强 算子的遗传算法

  • So for now the disintermediation action is mainly in Europe where turquoise is targeting trading in the top 350 Stocks - and where the NYSE has taken over Euronext operator of continental bourses .

    到目前为止,去除中间业务行动主要是在欧洲,欧洲绿松石计划的目标交易是 顶尖的350只股票,纽约证交所则在欧洲收购了大陆交易所 运营 泛欧交易所(euronext)。

  • The improved genetic algorithm is aimed at traveling salesman problem which adopts top proliferation operator to realize select operator for enhancing convergence and dynamic evolution gene to select crossing operator or mutation operators for avoiding its premature .

    改进遗传算法采用了 顶端增强 算子进行选择运算以强化其收敛性,并利用动态进化因子来进行交叉算子和变异算子的选择以防止早熟。