



  • Topiary guardians do not speak but do rustle slightly as they move .


  • Linda would like to someday grow her dreadlocks so long she could weave them into a wire-supported structure on the top of her head like a topiary and maybe store a bird there .

    琳达希望把发辫留长,有一天能在头顶编成钢丝支撑的结构,类似树 ,或许在里头摆只鸟。

  • Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar lion or triceratops .

    创造一个 守卫首先需要一丛修剪完美的熊、狮子、或三角龙造型的园艺灌木。

  • Orders to capture or subdue enemies cause the topiary guardian to use nonlethal attacks ; any other attack order causes the creature to deal lethal damage .

    捕获或制服命令会使 守卫造成瘀伤;任何其他攻击命令会使该生物造成正常伤害。

  • These are just fabulous she said explaining that the color gave them a glamour above and beyond that of the average green topiary .

    她说,并解释道,这种色泽能够赋予它们特殊的魅力,超越了一般的绿色 修剪 植物

  • Skill : A topiary guardian has a + 8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks . Are they potentially harmful to the consumer of the plant ?

    技能: 守卫在潜行 检定上获得+的种族加值。它们对植物的食用者是否有潜在的危害?

  • A topiary guardian is a shrub or bush sculpted into the shape of an animal and them animated by arcane magic .


  • The beautiful topiary trees are witnesses of our marriage .

    浪漫鲜花 见证我们的婚 盟约