topological property


  • Therefore a mesh has four basic characteristics : geometrical property topological structure physical property and time-varying property .

    因此,网格具有四个基本特征:几何特性、 拓扑结构、物理 属性和时变性。

  • We study the stability and the well-posedness of the problem for determining solution by analyzing the topological property of these equations .

    通过分析这类方程组的 拓扑学 性质,来研究它们的稳定性以及各种定解问题的适定性。

  • Molecular net ideal S-limit point and S-accumulation point are introduced into LF topological space and the condition and property of S-convergence and S-accumulation are discussed .

    在LF 拓扑空间中引进分子网和理想的S极限点和S-聚点的概念,并讨论S-收敛与S-聚于的条件及其 性质

  • A topological property between b-property and p-property

    一种介于B-性质与P-性质之间的 拓扑 性质

  • For the expansive flows with tracing property this paper is to show that the topological dynamical property near by the periodic orbit is the same as that of the hyperbolic periodic orbit .

    证明了具有跟踪性的可扩流在其周期轨附近的 拓扑动力 性质与双曲周期轨相同。

  • On topological spaces with week p - property

    关于具有弱P 性质 拓扑空间

  • In this paper we introduce the concept of semi-Ti spaces base on this we discuss their hereditary property and topological property . At last we discuss the relation among Ti spaces .

    本文引入了半Ti空间的概念,并由此讨论了它们的遗传性与 拓朴 性质,最后讨论了半Ti空间相互间的关系。

  • Their characterizations hereditary property and topological property are systematically studied .

    较为系统地研究了这些概念的特征性质、遗传性质和 拓扑 性质

  • The realtime datum spatial topological datum datum of facility property and the function of operating the datum are enveloped in class of spatial entity and then set up object of spatial entity .

    将实时数据、空间 拓扑数据、设备 属性数据以及对这些数据操作的函数封装为空间实体类,建立了空间实体对象。

  • For non-chiral group with trivial topological property it is shown that the coset pure gauge fields have no influence on the confinement properties of the quark system by calculating lattice current-current propagator when the coset pure gauge fields remain manifest .

    对于非手征群且空间 拓扑 性质平凡的情形,在明显保留陪集纯规范场时,通过点阵上流一流传播子的计算,证明了陪集纯规范场对体系的禁闭性质没有影响。

  • The invariants and partial variables existing in this process reflect the invariability within variability the essential topological property of translation .

    这一过程中的恒量和局部变量反映了翻译的变化中的不变性质,即翻译的 拓扑 性质

  • The Hereditary Property and Topological Property of T_1 and T ( 3 / 2 ) - Frechet ( v ) Spaces

    T1和T(3/2)&型邻域空间的遗传性和 拓扑

  • This article has introduced topological space X 's property of sequencable convergence and proved that this property is quotient property .

    引进 拓扑空间X的可序列收敛 性质,证明了这一性质是可商的性质。

  • Formal Framework of 3D Spatial Features and Topological Property Based on Manifold Topology

    基于流形 拓扑的三维空间实体形式化描述

  • For continuous surjection f of compact metric space with infinite elements we study the relationships between f have the pseudo-orbit-tracing property and f is chaotic in the sense of Ruelle-Takens topological mixing and have property P.

    本文对具有无限个点的紧致度量空间上的连续满射,研究了伪轨跟踪性质与Ruelle-Takens意义下的混沌、 拓扑混合及具有 性质P的关系。

  • Some Topological Property On Wear M-PN Spaces

    弱M-PN空间的若干 拓扑 性质

  • The Existence and Topological Property of the Solutions for Variational Inequality in the Hilbert Manifold with General Boundary

    具有一般边界的Hilbert流形上的变分不等式解的存在性及 拓扑 性质

  • It was shown that the phenyl site index of straight chain alkylbenzene isomers and low-carbon alkylbenzenes is a useful topological index and can be applied to structure - property correlation .

    结果表明:直链烷基苯的异构体和低碳烷基苯的苯基位置指数作为一种 拓扑指数,可应用于结构- 性质相关关系的研究。

  • The Integrable Property and the Topological Property of the Berry 's Phase

    Berry相的可积性与 拓扑

  • Topological Property of Sequence Space Based on Distinct Position

    序列位差空间的 拓扑 性质

  • Method of Topological Indices in Quantitative Study of Structure Property / Activity Relationships

    定量结构 性质/活性相关性& 广义a N指数法

  • This paper not only gives a kind of topological space with path connected base i. e. local path connected space but also gives its topological structure and its topological property .

    给出具有道路连通基的一类拓扑空间,即局部道路连通空间,并给出它的拓扑结构和 拓扑 性质

  • Therefore H is a novel molecular topological index which has good structural selectivity and highly property correlativity .

    表明H是具有良好的结构选择性和 性质相关性的 拓扑指数。

  • Correlation Between Molecular Topological Structure and Property of Polymer

    聚合物的分子 拓扑结构与 的关联

  • Topological Homologous Regularity for Additive Property of Alkanes

    烷烃加和型 性质 拓扑同系递变规律研究

  • On the topological property of plane construction of landscape architecture design

    论风景园林设计平面构成的 拓扑 性质

  • Results of the examples show that the algorithm can linearly construct arbitrary topological mesh models whose vertices satisfy 3D-Delaunay property .

    应用实例表明,算法在保证构造网格满足三维Delaunay 性质的同时,线性构造任意 拓扑 结构的三角网格模型。

  • We find that periodic driving changes not only the topological property of the system but also the symmetries of the system hence its class .

    我们发现周期性驱动不仅能改变系统的 拓扑 ,也可以改变系统的对称性进而改变其对称性类。

  • Energy structure and related topological property of beryllium clusters : 2

    铍小团簇的基态能量、结构及其 拓扑 性质

  • For the hypersurfaces with two distinct principal curvatures the the-orems of curvature and topological property are also given . 2 .

    同时对具两个不同主曲率的超曲面给出了其曲率与 拓扑 性质的分类定理。