top price

[tɑp praɪs][tɔp prais]


  • Faced with chronic declines in sales top supermarket chains have resorted to an all-out price war which according to analysts is cutting further into their earnings .

    面对销售额的长期下降, 大型连锁超市开始重启 价格大战,分析师说,此举将进一步减少它们的利润。

  • I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale .

    我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的 价钱买了这 上衣

  • A top grade Ling Bidan producing price on the hundred dollars a few years ago thousands of dollars can be sold in foreign countries .

    一件 上品灵璧石,几年前产地 上百元,在国外可卖数千美元。

  • Sales of copycat mobile phones with all the functions of top models but a lower price have soared from 17 million units in 2006 to 62 million units last year .

    山寨机(具备 高端手机的所有功能,但 价格更低)的销量已从2006年的1700万部飙升至去年的6200万部。

  • The 23 per cent of the company being floated will be priced at $ 1.30 a share the top of the indicative price range after the offer was more than 15 times subscribed the company said .

    该公司表示,由于此次发行获得了逾15倍的超额认购,因此将发行价定在指导 价格区间的 上端,为每股1.30美元,其发行比例为23%。

  • The different method of straw into farmland in three testing point were reflected different influence for output rate of top and mid tobacco and equal price ( form 17 ) .

    在各试验点中产量、 中等烟比例及 均价受到秸秆还田方法的影响而有所不同(表17)。

  • Columbia University is known for its top academics and high price tag but it also has a classically beautiful college campus with the added bonus of being in New York City .

    哥伦比亚大学以 顶级学者和高昂 价格标签而闻名,但它也有一个古典美丽的大学校园,其额外的好处是位在纽约市。

  • A gap in prices near the top or bottom of a price move that signals an abrupt turn in the market .

    接近 价格 高峰或低谷时出现价格缺口,预示着行情将要逆转。

  • In a word : Top quality ultra-low price .

    一句话:品质 顶级价位超低。

  • But having a big guy at the top is scant price to pay when you consider the wreckage that a bad CEO can inflict .

    虽然 高级 管理 中拥有一名 大牌CEO看似不错,可一旦CEO表现糟糕,后果就是伤不起。

  • The economic crisis comes on top of the food price crisis and the energy price surge and poor people are at great risk of becoming even poorer .

    在粮食和能源价格 飞涨 上经济危机,贫穷人百上 斤,很可能会更为水深火热。

  • What are other fees charges and taxes I 'll incur on top of the price ?

    除了 楼价外,我还需要付其他的费用和税项吗?

  • The car boot sale is a great way of emptying the contents of your loft or garage . I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale .

    车尾箱甩卖是清空阁楼和车库的一大捷径。我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的 价钱买了这 上衣

  • It 's China 's second fuel price rise this year which is a new top of domestic fuel price .

    这是今年国内第二次调整成品油零售价,也使国内成品油 价格 创出历史 新高

  • What 's your top / lowest price ?

    您们的 高价/最 低价是多少?

  • At least one fierce critic found no fault with the decision to take the top price .

    至少有一位批评人士态度鲜明地认为,采取 最高 定价的决定无可厚非。

  • The report said the top price paid for a watch in Shanghai during the survey period was US $ 42 but gave no further details .

    该报告说,调查期间 顶级手表的 价格在上海是42204美元,但没有给出进一步的细节。

  • What is your top price ?

    你们 最高 多少?

  • A seat at the top table comes with a price tag .

    在主席台拥有 一席之地要付出相应的 代价

  • Agricultural Bank stood to raise as much as $ 13bn in Hong Kong and another $ 10bn in Shanghai if the shares sold at the top of the price range and underwriters on the deal triggered options to increase the offering 's size by 15 per cent .

    如果农行股票在 价格区间的 上限售出,且承销商触发相关选择权、将上市规模扩大15%,农行将从香港上市筹资高达130亿美元,并从上海上市筹资100亿美元。

  • Higher wages on top of rising material price increases ( as suggested by the PPI ) may eventually trigger more aggressive austerity measures in our opinion .

    我们认为,更高的薪资, 不断加速的原料 价格上涨(如ppi所显示),可能最终将催生更为严厉的紧缩措施。

  • If the top limit of M A price is higher or slight lower than the bottom limit of M A price M A price may form swiftly ;

    若上述并购 价格 上限高于或略低于上述并购价格下限,并购价格可迅速形成;

  • Take the initial public offering for Weibo China 's top Twitter-like microblog . The price range unveiled Friday came in well below the whimsical estimates of bullish analysts .

    以新浪微博( Weibo)首次公开募股(IPO)为例,该公司上周五公布的发行指导 区间远低于一些分析师之前的大胆预期。

  • Mainly they see it as only making their hassles worse on top of the price increases many of them are already coping with .

    主要是,他们认为,此举只会给他们带来更多麻烦,而 Netflix此前上调 价格已经让许多人有些不情愿了。

  • With their access to vast sums of borrowed money curtailed buy-out firms are reluctant to pay top price for new deals while sellers are still hoping to get as much as they would have received six months ago .

    由于可以获得的借贷资金数额大幅减少,收购公司不愿为新交易支付 高价,而卖方仍然希望得到6个月之前可能拿到的金额。

  • In the heart of not a few consumers always think that low carbon home embarks for certain amount to top price load in the home the truth is really not so .

    在不少消费者的心目中,总以为“低碳”家装就一定等于 高价家装,事实并非如此。

  • With top technologies reasonable price excellent products and reliable service ours products are sale well around all the world .

    凭着 精湛的技术,合理的 价格,优质的产品和信赖的服务,富鑫的产品畅销世界各地。

  • Fragmentation has always been at the top of the Android concern list but price coming out on top of fragmentation and hardware / software capabilities was a surprising finding .

    碎片化从来都是开发者对Android 关注的问题,但是 价格 因素高于碎片化和硬件/软件性能,这个结果出人意料。

  • How to Achieve Construction products of Top Quality attain High Price

    如何实现工程建设产品的 优质 优价

  • Total gross in2000 during the Bush / Gore standoff came to $ 60 million despite a top price ticket then of $ 85 ( with The Lion King getting $ 90 ) .

    在布什和戈尔(在总统大选中)僵持不下之际,2000年的票房总收入达到6千万美元,尽管当时 最高 票价也只有85美元(除了《狮子王》卖到了90美元)。