topological graph

[计] 拓扑图

  • The Structure and Implementation Heuristic Algorithm of Topological Graph Generation of Network

    启发式的网络 拓扑 生成算法的构造及实现

  • Through analyzing the directed topological graph a mathematical model of distribution system i.e. the correlation matrix of nodes and line segments is built .

    通过分析配电网的有向 拓扑 ,建立了配电网的数学模型&节点线段关联矩阵,并在该数学模型的基础上,分析归纳出节点阻抗矩阵各元素的计算方法。

  • The topological connection graph is constructed from the segmentation result and used for calculating similarity between 3D models .

    然后从分割结果中构造 拓扑连接 ,采用 匹配算法计算不同模型之间的相似度。

  • The thesis further discusses the limitation of the topological connection graph based similarity calculation . Then Bipartite Graph is introduced to compute the similarity between models .

    进一步的,论文针对 拓扑连接 用于相似度计算存在的局限性,提出从两个模型的分割结果中构造二分图,把相似度计算转化为二分图的最大匹配问题。

  • Then explained the basic knowledge of graph theory and how the graph is expressed in computer told the one - to - one relationship between the structure sketch of mechanism and its topological graph in which nodes represent components and edges take kinematical constraint ;

    然后阐述了图论的一些基本知识,以及图在计算机中的表示方法,指出以点表示构件、以边表示运动副的 拓扑 与机构的结构简图之间具有一一对应关系;

  • The crossing numbers of the complete bipartite graph and the complete graph are open problems in topological graph theory .

    完全图的交叉数,完全二分图的交叉数都是 拓扑 图论中公开的难题。

  • The complicated structure of the epicyclical gear train with multidegrees of freedom and planet carriers could be predigested into the topological graph by adopting the knowledge of graph theory .

    利用图论知识,可将多自由度多行星架周转轮系的复杂结构简化为 拓扑

  • The computer networks topological design is the important components of the computer network engineering . This paper proposes the principle and method of measuring the rationality of network topological based on Graph Theory and demanded by OSPF routing algorithm .

    计算机网络拓扑设计是计算机网络工程的重要组成部分,本文在 图论中有关算法的基础上,结合OSPF路由算法的要求,提出了测度网络 拓扑 逻辑合理性的原理和方法。

  • There is a simple way of associating a topological space with a graph .

    有一种把一个 拓扑空间同一个 联系起来的简单的方式。

  • Network topology discovery algorithm is the key to making the network topological graph automatically and has extensive applications in network management system .

    网络拓扑的发现算法是实现自动构造网络的 拓扑 的关键,在网络管理等系统中有着广泛应用。

  • Based on the combinational characteristics of basic units four combination modes are put forward . Micro-transformation is performed on topological graph and stratified adjacency matrix is established approaches of isomorphism criterion are given that provide theoretical basis for topological synthesis of EGTs .

    拓扑 作缩微变换,建立了 拓扑 的分层邻接矩阵,给出了同构判定步骤,为轮系的拓扑综合提供了理论基础。

  • There are two fields in topological graph theory : one is the study of the properties of graph embedding .

    本文研究属第一个方面,即研究 的嵌入的最大 格问题。

  • The BKC code set is equivalent to the adjacent matrix for a topological graph and its uniqueness is ensured however it saves much time to perform the calculations .

    支路码与 拓扑矩阵等价,可保证惟一性,而前者却可大 大节省运算量及运算时间。

  • For example Algebraic graph theory 、 topological graph theory 、 chemical graph theory 、 random graph 、 graph algorithm .

    例如:代数图论、 拓扑 图论、化学图论、算法图论、随机图论等。

  • How to embed a graph on a surface which is a central problem of topological graph theory .

    图的曲面嵌入问题是 拓扑 图论的中心问题。

  • Measuring the importance of Web pages from the topological properties of Web graph

    利用 拓扑特性进行网页重要性度量

  • In the dissertation the geographic map and low-voltage distribution network topological graph are incorporated to meet the demands of facilities management and customer management ;

    本文将配电网所处的背景地理图同低压配电网 拓扑 有机地结合起来,实现用户管理、设备管理等功能;

  • An improved algorithm named heuristic algorithm is given to show topological graph of big and complicated systems .

    针对大型、复杂 网络系统的 拓扑 显示,提出一种改进算法,即启发式一般 网络 拓扑 生成算法。

  • The software can optimize and plot the pipeline-station topological graph and provide the convenience to guide the conceptual design and production run in oilfield .

    软件能优化绘出管网 拓扑 ,为指导油田规划设计和生产运行提供了方便。

  • The Analysis Method and Application of Multi-level Electromagnetic Shielding Topological Graph

    多层电磁屏蔽 拓扑 的分析方法及应用

  • Another is the molecular connectivity index ( ~ m χ ~ v___t ) derived from adjacent matrix based on molecular topological graph .

    二是分子 拓扑 邻接矩阵衍生的分子连接性指数(mtvχ)。

  • From 1940s to 1960s some theories about graphs such as matroid theory 、 hyper graph theory 、 polar graph theory 、 algebraic graph theory and topological graph theory ( see 2-8 w_1636 ) had developed greatly .

    20世纪40-60年代,拟阵理论、超图理论、极图理论,以及代数图论、 拓扑 图论等(见文献2-8w_1668)都有很大的发展。

  • Then we generalized the result : the genus of F equals zero if only the topological graph of F is special simple .

    然后将得以推广,只要的 是特殊简单的,就有曲面的 格为零。

  • A fundamental result in topological graph theory by H.Whitney states that a 3-connected graph has at most one planar embedding .


  • Commuication expenses . It can be evaluated the diameter or average distance of topological graph .

    通信开销:可以用网络 拓扑 的直径来、平均距离来衡量。

  • In this thesis we study the embedding properties of graphs on surfaces which is an important subject in topological graph theory . Firstly we give the formulas for computing the flexibility of wheels and wheel-like graphs on the torus .

    本文主要研究了 拓扑 图论中的重要研究领域&图在曲面上的嵌入性质,给出了轮图和轮型图(Halin )在环面上柔性的计算公式;

  • The study of minimum genus of a graph is a major theme of topological graph theory and is NP-hard .

    图的最小亏格问题是 拓扑 图论中重要且为NP-困难的问题。

  • Study on Calculation Method of Product Disassembly Probability Based on Topological Graph

    基于 拓扑 的产品拆解概率计算方法研究

  • The purpose of network management is to keep the network system working normally . The most directly way is to show the topological graph to the user .

    网络管理就是维护一个网络系统的正常运行,其中给人最直观的呈现就是 网络 拓扑

  • The crossing number is an important subject in the study of topological graph theory . The author determines the crossing numbers of a class of cartesian products of six graphs on 7-vertice .

    交叉数是 拓朴 图论研究中的一个重要课题,在笛卡尔积结论的基础上证明了一类7阶图与路的笛卡尔积图的交叉数。