too too

[tu tu][tu: tu:]


  • He was too inexperienced and too inexpert to succeed .

    缺乏经验, 不熟练,难以成功。

  • The material he supplied is too sketchy . ; The information he gave is too brief .

    他提供的材料 过于简略。

  • ' You 're too sensitive . ' — ' Too sensitive for whom ? '

    “你 敏感了。”——“对谁 敏感了?”

  • He talked too freely when as was too often the case he was in his cups .

    他经常 喝醉而且一喝醉就口无遮拦。

  • There are too many schools chasing too few pupils .

    多的学校在争夺 少的生源。

  • English students are forced to learn too much too soon .

    英国学生被迫在极短的时间内学习 多的东西。

  • The government is now bringing in laws to reduce air pollution . But is it a case of too little too late ?

    政府如今正引入法律以减少空气污染。但这是否 为时已晚了呢?

  • They think this is too little too late

    他们认为这已经 为时已晚了。

  • But assuming that the talks make progress won 't they do too little too late ?

    就算会谈取得了进展,也 未免 微不足道,且 为时 晚了吧?

  • Too much is spent on expensive curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine

    在昂贵的治疗性药物上花费 多,在预防性药物上的支出则 少。

  • They 're working me too hard . I 'm too old for this

    他们把我用 太狠了,我老了,干 不了这种活儿

  • She was drinking too much eating too much having too many late nights

    饮酒 过度,吃 多,熬夜过于频繁。

  • He must be hoping but considering the situation in June he may hoping for too much too soon

    他一定心存希望,但是考虑到6月份的情形,他可能期望 快了。

  • Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable .

    火星 星光暗淡,位置低悬,难以看见。

  • The house was too expensive and too big . Besides I 'd grown fond of our little rented house .

    这座房子 大了。再说,我已经喜欢上我们租的小房子了。

  • We should eat just enough neither too much nor too little .

    吃东西要 匀停

  • The shaking inside may be due to low blood sugar too much caffeine or too many cigarettes

    心悸可能是由于低血糖、咖啡因 过量或抽烟 多。

  • He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots though he kept his thoughts to himself .

    他少年 得志目中无人,不过没有表露出来。

  • It was too late and too urgent to turn back . The die was cast .

    现在 为时已晚,来不及回头。事情已成定局了。

  • He wondered if the idea wasn 't just a little too flaky a little too outlandish .

    他怀疑这个想法不仅仅是有点 古怪、 离奇而已。

  • He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism .

    他一再批评西方教会 过于世俗,消费主义观念 过于顽固。

  • John was too lazy to work and too proud to beg .

    约翰 懒惰成性,不愿工作,又 心高气傲肯乞讨。

  • The diet should be suitable being neither too rich nor too meagre .

    膳食应该适当,即不能 油腻也不能 粗淡。

  • He was too puffed up with his own importance too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him .

    过于骄矜自大,被虚荣心冲 了头脑, 根本 不能接受他们对他的意见。

  • This chunk of meat is not too fat and not too lean .

    这块肉肥 瘦儿正好。

  • The furniture was stiff uncomfortable too delicate and too neat

    家具又硬又不舒服, 结实而且 小巧。

  • The case against is twofold : too risky and too expensive .

    反对理由有两点: 冒险而且 昂贵。

  • He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold

    他想要杯 热的茶

  • It grew ever more clear to everyone that the Minister was too reactionary too blinkered

    大家都越来越清楚部长 太保守、心胸 狭窄。