


  • I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl . Application of sufentanil in children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

    我安排好要和Earl大夫在星期五进行三个扁桃腺切除手术。舒芬太尼在小儿 扁桃体腺样体切除术麻醉中的应用

  • Objective : To explore the effect and safety of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and nursing methods in the treatment of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) .

    目的:探讨 扁桃体、腺样体 摘除 治疗儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的有效性、安全性及临床护理方法。

  • This study was conducted to investigate whether there is any difference between tonsillar surface and deep tissue cultures in patients who underwent tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis .

    有些扁桃体炎患者在接受 扁桃体切除术后又再发扁桃体炎,本研究旨在调查这些患者扁桃体表面和深部组织培养是否存在着差异。

  • There no significant differences were observed in cure rate between incision drainage and abscess tonsillectomy in patients with large abscess ( P > 0.05 ) .

    脓肿较大的患者,切开排脓的疗效与脓肿 扁桃体 摘除 的疗效无差别(P>0.05)。

  • Tonsillectomy alone or myringotomy alone should not be used to treat OME .

    治疗OME不该进行单纯的 扁桃体切除术或单纯的鼓膜切开术。

  • Among those who did not receive a tonsillectomy 122 experienced at least one strep infection during the follow-up .

    在没有 扁桃体 摘除的儿童中,122例在整个随访期至少有一次链球菌感染。

  • Efficacy of Semis Glucocorticoid Combined with Mycophenolate Mofetil for IgA Nephropathy in Patients after Undergoing Tonsillectomy

    半量激素联合霉酚酸酯治疗 扁桃体 摘除术后IgA肾病的疗效观察

  • The effects of postoperative analgesia with flurbiprofen axetil on temperature and blood sugar in children undergoing tonsillectomy

    氟比洛芬酯用于小儿 扁桃体 摘除术后镇痛对体温及血糖的影响

  • Objective To alleviate local pain following tonsillectomy and promote white membrane formation .

    目的减轻 扁桃体切除术后局部疼痛,促进白膜生长。

  • Perioperative Nursing Care of Patients with Allergic Purpura Undergoing Tonsillectomy

    过敏性紫癜行 扁桃体切除术患者的围术期护理

  • The date of the tonsillectomy for the matched pair was defined as the index date .

    扁桃体 摘除 的日期被规定为各组的 开始日期。

  • Profuse oral bleeding can result from trauma aneurysm rupture or tonsillectomy and needs prompt care .

    摘要大量口腔出血可因为外伤、动脉瘤破裂或 扁桃腺 切除 手术而引起,它需要立即性的照护。

  • Influence of adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy on the sleep structure and quality of life in children

    腺样体 扁桃体切除术对儿童睡眠结构和生活质量的影响

  • Objective Observing the effect of dexamethasone added into 1 % procaine in tonsillectomy .

    目的观察 扁桃体切除术中,局部麻醉药1%普鲁卡因中加入氟美松的影响。

  • Aim : to observe the effect of topical application of tranexamic acid and amikacin in preventing hemorrhage after tonsillectomy .

    目的:观察局部应用氨甲环酸及阿米卡星预防 扁桃体切除术后出血的效果。

  • Effect of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on obese children with sleep respiratory disorder

    扁桃体 切除和腺样体刮除术治疗过度肥胖儿童睡眠呼吸异常

  • Clinical research on tonsillectomy with electrotome under general anaesthesia He stretched on the wide bed and read road maps and travel brochures .

    全麻下使用电刀 扁桃体切除术的临床观察他在那宽大的床上躺了下来,翻阅着旅行小册子和行车路线图。

  • Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are the effective therapy in children with OSAS .


  • Treatment of mild hemophilia resulted in bleeding after tonsillectomy

    轻症血友病患者 扁桃体切除术后出血的处理

  • Study on the analgesic effect for patients after tonsillectomy by applying of medicinal ice

    药物冰块用于 扁桃体切除术后镇痛的研究

  • Objective : To evaluate the security of anesthesia management both in adenoidectomy and in tonsillectomy for epileptic children .

    内容摘要:评估癫痫患儿行腺样体、 扁桃体 摘除术时麻醉方法的安全性。

  • Application of sufentanil in children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

    舒芬太尼在小儿 扁桃体腺样体切除术麻醉中的应用

  • Within this group children who subsequently underwent a tonsillectomy were compared with an age-and sex-matched sample of children who had not had a tonsillectomy .

    其中,接下来做了 扁桃体 摘除 的儿童按年龄和性别与没有做扁桃体摘除的儿童对照。

  • Prospective study on hydrodissection technique in tonsillectomy

    水分离技术应用于 扁桃体切除术中的前瞻性研究

  • The Complications and Surgical Skills of Low-Energy CO_2 Laser Tonsillectomy

    低能量CO2激光 扁桃体切除术的手术技巧与并发症

  • These results suggest that tonsillectomy is a useful therapy for treating children with recurrent strep throat infections says Laura Orvidas M.

    “这些研究表明, 扁桃体 摘除 是治疗儿童咽部复发链球菌感染的一种有效方法”。

  • Tonsillectomy subsequently was performed at another hospital and the patient has recovered well .

    在另一家医院,患者行 扁桃体切除术后恢复良好。

  • Comparison among different anesthesia methods for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in children

    不同麻醉方法用于小儿 扁桃体、腺样体切除术中的比较

  • Objective : To evaluate the hemostatic efficacy and safety of a human thrombin in tonsillectomy .

    目的:评价 外用人凝血酶对 扁桃腺 手术创面的止血作用和安全性。