


  • Has variety of treatment methods and approaches in tonsil nasal polyps sinusitis nasal stem disease .


  • Expression of human β - defensin in palatine tonsil


  • Screening of a Bacillus coagulans Strain Producing Fibrinolytic Enzymes and Primary Investigation of Its Enzyme Activity DETERMINATION OF THE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR IN THE TONSIL OF CHRONIC TONSILLITIS

    产纤溶活性酶凝结芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定及其酶活性质初探慢性 扁桃体炎 组织中的纤溶酶原激活剂测定

  • Granulocytopenic necrosis of tonsil

    粒细胞减少性 扁桃体坏死

  • The malignant lymphoma is the main tumor type happened in palatine tonsil .


  • Bacteriological analysis of hypertrophy of tonsil and adenoid in children

    儿童 扁桃体及腺样体肥大细菌学分析

  • After section of proliferative tonsil the top of palatopharyngeal arch was cut into upper outwards to muscles .

    切除 肥大 扁桃体后,于腭咽弓上极向外上方剪开,达肌层,形成软组织瓣。

  • So if your child snoring at night and concentration in class sleepiness decreased memory poor academic performance we should first check to the otorhinolaryngology and nasopharyngeal tonsil .

    所以如果你的孩子夜间打鼾,并有上课注意力不集中,嗜睡,记忆力下降,学习成绩差,首先要到耳鼻咽喉科检查鼻咽及 扁桃体

  • OBJECTIVE : To study the value of Xstrain technology in the evaluation of cardiac function in children with tonsil adenoidal hypertrophy .

    目的:探讨心肌矢量应变技术在检测 扁桃体腺样体肥大患儿心脏功能方面的应用价值。

  • Tonsil Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma : Report of 1 Case and Review of Literatures


  • Tonsil stones appear as white spots and can be confused with a sore throat .


  • To evaluate the early diagnosis ways of the tonsil mycosis .

    目的:探讨 扁桃体真菌病的早期诊断方法。

  • METHODS : Immunohistochemical technique was used to investigate interleukin-4 ( IL-4 ) production in tonsil .

    方法:利用免疫组织化学的方法对 扁桃体组织中白细胞介素-4(IL-4)的表达情况进行 测定

  • Affection on Chronic Tonsil Operation with Application of Antibiotics Therapy

    术前应用抗生素对慢性 扁桃体炎手术的影响

  • Look just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom doesn 't mean you know her . Alright ?

    瞧啊,难道就因为你和我妈妈玩了 扁桃体网球你就觉得了解我妈妈了吗?

  • On the basis of decoction revise it with symptoms for treating the acute pyogenic otitis media nasal vestibule furuncle the pus around tonsil etc.

    在此方基础上随证加减治疗耳鼻喉科急性化脓性中耳炎、鼻前庭疖、 扁桃体周围脓肿等诸多疾病,收到较好疗效。

  • Treat tonsil inflammation what is throat is fond of best method ?

    治疗 扁桃体发炎,喉咙疼最好的办法是什么?

  • Surgical Treatment of Chiari Malformation with Syringomyelia and Typing of Downward Hernia of Cerebellar Tonsil

    Chiari畸形并脊髓空洞的治疗与小脑 扁桃体下疝分型

  • Conclusion The above results suggest that microecological imbalance on the tonsil surface of the patients might be one of the causative factors in seasonal changes of the severity of psoriasis .

    结论患者 扁桃体表面微生态失调是银屑病病情变化的原因之一。

  • The boy has infected tonsil and we should remove them as soon as possible .

    这孩子的 扁桃体受到感染了。我们要尽快把它切除。

  • Her tonsil would irritate when getting a cold .

    她一感冒, 扁桃腺就会发炎。

  • Expression of CD5 + CD19 + B Cell and IgA1 in IgA Nephropathy Patients ' Tonsil and Analysis with Relative Factors

    IgA肾病病人 扁桃体CD5+CD19+B细胞和IgA1表达及相关因素分析

  • Objective : To explore an effective treatment for hypertrophy of lingual tonsil .

    目的:探讨提高治疗舌 扁桃体肥大的有效方法。

  • Eyelid having no edema pharyngeal portion having no hyperemia tonsil having no intumesce .

    眼睑无浮肿,咽部无充血, 扁桃体不肿大。

  • Fluorescent cells were not detected in tonsil liner larynx and kidney .


  • In the tonsil ectocervix and esophagus LC were located mainly in the middle layer of epithelia .


  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effects of the combined therapy on obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome with radiofrequency ablation and tonsil extirpate .

    探讨等离子低温射频消融术并 扁桃体摘除术治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的疗效分析和总结。

  • Tonsil : Small mass of lymphoid tissue in the wall of the pharynx .


  • Tongue tonsil hypertrophy : 172 cases report and pathological analysis


  • Cancers at the base of the tongue and tonsil are increasing or have remained stagnant .

    而舌和 扁桃体癌仍在增加或维持在过去的水平。