tip sheet

[tɪp ʃit][tip ʃi:t]


  • Tip of the Day : You can convert a chart sheet into an embedded chart . Select the entire chart copy it and then paste it onto another sheet .

    日积月累:要将一张 图表转换为嵌入式图表,先选定并复制整个图表,再将它粘贴到其它工作表中。

  • The results show that electrode degradation mechanism was basically caused by wear due to fracture of local welding between the electrode tip surface and zinc coated sheet steel happen at electrode surface and alloying between electrode and zinc on zinc coated steel during resistance spot welding zinc coated steel .

    结果表明:点焊镀锌钢板时电极的失效机制主要是电极和镀锌 之间局部焊接的断裂发生在 电极表面而导致的电极磨损以及电极和镀锌 表面的锌之间的合金化。

  • The Crack Tip Field in a Rubber-Like Thin Sheet

    橡皮类 材料平面应力问题的裂

  • Tip of the day : to prevent others from modifying a particular sheet choose protection from the tools menu and then choose protect sheet .

    日积月累:使用“工具”菜单中的“保护”命令,可保护整个工作簿,或者工作簿中的某个 工作

  • Tip : Control white space in an XSLT style sheet ( Nicholas Chase developerWorks Nov2002 ): Understand whitespace and space stripping in transformation and create the document you want .

    技巧:用XSLT样式 控制文档中的空白(NicholasChase,developerWorks,2002年11月):理解转换过程中的空白和空格剥离,创建您想要的文档。

  • It may seem strange to start with a tip on CSS in an article on XSLT but I 'm often asked Are the two style sheet languages compatible ?

    在讨论XSLT的文章中以关于CSS的 技巧作为开始似乎有些奇怪,但有人经常问我“这两种样式 语言是否兼容?”

  • Tip of the Day : To print only part of the worksheet choose Page Setup from the File menu select the Print Area box on the Sheet tab and then select the area you want to print .

    日积月累:若只想打印数据区域的某一部分,可选择“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”命令,在“ 工作 ”选项卡中的“打印区域”框中设置所要区域。