to go into action

[tu ɡo ˈɪntu ˈækʃən][tu: ɡəu ˈɪntuː ˈækʃən]


  • The government sets up the flood damage control committee and starts the community to go into action the folk does utmost the disaster relief plays the important supplement role .

    政府组建水灾善后委员会,并发动社会各界 行动 起来齐心协力 共同救灾,民间力量也竭尽全力救灾,起到了重要的补充作用。

  • To break down this barrier with all implications-not just the physical barrier-one has to go deeply into this question of action .

    为了全面摧毁壁垒不仅仅是物质意义上的壁垒他 不得不 深入 了解 行动的问题。

  • It is suggested that from the United Nations to individuals every government every organization every profession and trade and everybody should go into action and take part in the construction of ecological economy .

    文章还认为,为了实现这种转变,从联合国 个人,各国政府、各种组织、各行各业,都 必须 行动 起来,参与生态经济建设。

  • The firemen are ready to go into action .

    消防员已 准备 行动

  • Throughout the process of building the new countryside we should pay attention to the problem of waste pollution and go into action as soon as possible .

    各级政府在新农村建设过程中,应 真正将垃圾污染问题重视起来,尽快 行动起来, 全国农村环境治理的 前面,并积累行之有效的管理经验。

  • The time that fungi just wants to go into action add the sand not to know that the where to emitted come out .

    霉刚 发作的时候,加沙不知从哪里 了出来。

  • The reasons are : First the members of the peasant associations are everywhere spread out over the hills and dales spear or cudgel in hand ready to go into action in their hundreds so that the bandits have nowhere to hide .

    原因:一是农会会员漫山遍野,梭镖 短棍 一呼百应,土匪无处藏踪。

  • Can you be ready to go into action with us ?

    你能 准备 跟我们 一起 行动吗?

  • The actions from the ECB are not enough to reassure us that it is safe to go back into the markets – today 's move is more symbolic real action is needed .

    欧洲央行的措施还不足以打消我们对市场安全性的疑虑,使我们安心 重返市场?目前采取的措施象征性意义更大,但市场需要实实在在的 行动

  • As negotiators prepared to go into what officials thought would be all-night sessions the G20 was seeking to augment an action plan for growth and jobs that was already on the table with additional tasks and funds for the International Monetary Fund .

    在谈判代表们 准备 投入官员们认为将会通宵达旦的会议之际,20国集团正在寻求加强一项已经拟定的促进增长和就业的 行动计划,为国际货币基金组织(imf)安排更多任务和资金。