to get the air

[tu ɡɛt ði er][tu: ɡet ðə eə(r)]


  • They were not required to submit programs for approval which allowed them to get imported material on the air faster than TV stations .

    由于视频网站不需要提交节目审批,所以引进正在 播出 剧集比电视台要快。

  • Try to get all the air out of your lungs by the time you count to8 .

    数到8的时候,将肺部所有 空气排出。

  • I have to get the air flowing out of all these holes .

    不得不 空气,从这些洞里流出。

  • STEVEN : Well nothing else that we want to get on the air seems to get there .

    史蒂文:恩,除了这个,我们 播出 节目好像都没能 顺利 播出

  • Its pilot has to pedal hard to get it into the air .

    驾驶员不得不使劲踩踏板 才能 使它飞 上天

  • From the start rocket-powered X-Planes typically hitched a ride to get into the air .

    从一开始,火箭动力的X飞机通常顺风车搭车 进入 空气中。

  • To get airborne gliders either have to be towed into the air by a plane with an engine or launched into the air by a special machine .

    为了 使滑翔机升空,要么得用有引擎的飞机将它拖到 空中,要么用特殊的机器把它发射到空中。

  • Maybe now you 'll have more time to get out in the fresh air .

    也许你现在有更多的时间 出去呼吸新鲜 空气

  • One way to get rid of the polluted air is to build a car that does not pollute .

    消除 污染 方法 便是制造一种无污染的汽车。

  • They make it easier to get the ball in the air something that market research shows women find particularly empowering .

    它能使得球更容易 空中,据调查这是女性最希望被教授的。

  • 12 . Take a proper break after 2 hours for 10-20 minutes and dance to your fave song do some pushups get out in the fresh air .

    12.每两个小时休息10-20分钟,跟着你喜欢的歌曲扭两下,做做俯卧撑, 室外 呼吸一下新鲜 空气

  • To get the data of the micro air vehicle ( MAV ) 's attitude in true flight the data transmit and receive equipment is the key technology .

    实现在真实飞行情况下对微型 飞行器姿态等数据的测量,数据的无线收发是其关键技术。

  • In order to get the ball in the air you have to hit down on it try to drive the ball into the ground .

    为了 使起您必须下击致球,试着将球打进地面。

  • You got to get the air conditioning fixed .

    车的 空调 修修了。

  • For solve the technique problem we adopted infrared heating technology to get over the weakness of the hot air rework system improve the success rate and decrease the application expenses .

    为解决有关技术问题,采取红外加热技术 克服 热风返修系统存在 缺点,提高BGA返修的成功率,同时也降低了使用费用。

  • How to get to the air ticket office ?

    第11课 航空售票处怎么

  • It was nice to get a firsthand look at what the Air Force does and how it does it .

    亲眼看到 空军都做的工作和工作方式,这很有意思。

  • It is necessary to get sufficient knowledge of the indoor air velocity distribution temperature distribution and pollutant concentration distribution .

    为了 更好的控制室内 空气 环境,必须 室内 空气流速、温度、有害物浓度的分布 一定的了解。

  • How to get rid of the trapped air .

    如何 摆脱残存的 空气

  • There is no need to get up in the air over such a simple mistake .

    为了这么一个小小的差错,用不着 大光 火。

  • To get the quantitative result of the impact of air PM10 on human health in Zhabei district Shanghai .

    综合定量评价上海市 闸北大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)污染的健康危害。

  • And I 've never heard of you so you need to get on the air .

    而又我没听说过你,你正 需要 出位

  • It is important for the state 's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital .

    对国家日后的统治者来说, 摆脱首都过于清高的 氛围是很重要的。

  • To get to the standard of air condition ensure the quality of sterilized goods and air condition environment supervision and management of sterile storeroom must be strengthened continuously .

    使 空气质量达标,保证无菌物品质量,只有加强无菌贮存室的环境监控,不断完善环境监控条件,才能保证空气质量达标。

  • You all day waiting for your favorite pitch and then take advantage of the field hands when taking a nap take a step by step to get the ball in the air .

    您整天为您最喜爱的球场等待,然后采取实地睡午觉手中的优势,采取一步一步 空气 球。

  • A multi point computer compensation device for improving the accuracy of laser interferometry based on measuring the dielectric coefficient of air using capacitance sensors to get the refractive index of air indirectly is studied .

    用一种电容传感器测量空气介电常数而相对测量 空气折射率, 进而 通过计算机多点测量补偿装置提高激光干涉测量的测量精度。

  • You have to get to the Air Terminal for the coach to the airport before 30 a. m.

    必须 6点30分之前 赶到 航空办事处乘坐民航班车去机场。