to get up early

[tu ɡɛt ʌp ˈɜː(r)li][tu: ɡet ʌp ˈɜrli]


  • You don 't have to get up early in the morning ; what bliss it is !

    你早上 不用 早起,多么幸福啊!

  • I consider it a good habit to get up early .

    我认为 早起是个好习惯。

  • It 's good to get up early .

    起床 自己有好处。

  • I had meant you to get up early but you got up late .

    我本打算 早起,但你起晚了。

  • It 's impossible for him to get up early .

    对于他来说, 起床是不可能的。

  • It was really not easy for me to get up early on Sunday mornings .

    对我来说, 在星期日早上 早起确实不容易。

  • Thank you but I 'm afraid I can 't tonight . I 've got to get up early tomorrow .

    谢谢,不过今晚我恐怕不行。我明天 早起

  • Students have to get up early on weekdays whether it rains or not .

    学生们在平日里 必须 起床,不论是否下雨。

  • Tomorrow I have to get up early . I must go now .

    明天我还 早起,我该走了。

  • I was going to get up early to go running but my toes voted against me10to1 .

    我本来是 准备 早起去跑步的,但是我的脚趾头以10比1的投票结果反对我这样做。

  • I had to get up early for the washing .

    不得不 提早 起来洗衣服。

  • Let 's turn in early so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train .

    今儿早点睡,明儿 早起赶火车。

  • I used to get up early and take an hour 's walk before breakfast .

    我过去常常 起床 并且在早餐前散步一小时。

  • Mom : No it 's way past your bedtime and you have to get up early tomorrow .

    妈妈:不行,你上床的时间已经超过 ,而且你明天还 早起

  • I don 't think it hurts anybody to get up early .

    我认为 早起 任何人都有好处。

  • No thanks . I really should be going I have to get up early tomorrow .

    不要了,谢谢,我真得走了,我明天还 早起呢!

  • I knew I had to get up early

    我知道我 早起

  • His custom / habit was to get up early and have a cold bath every morning .

    他的习惯是每天早上 大早并洗个冷水澡。

  • In order to get up early I went to bed very early last night .

    为了 起床,昨天晚上我很早就睡了。

  • They have to get up early in the morning .

    他们大清 起床

  • I hate to get up early for it 's Sunday tomorrow .

    明天是星期日,我不 起床

  • I never used to oversleep . I used to get up early and I was never late for school .

    我从没有睡过头,我经常 。我上学从不迟到。

  • Unlike me my son likes to get up early .

    与我不同,我儿子喜欢 早起

  • They promised to get up early .

    他们 答应 起床

  • I have to get up early tomorrow .

    我明天早上 早起

  • If you have cows you have to get up early to do the milking .

    在许多农场中你都 发现很多 奶牛和鸡。

  • I begin to get up early these days for a change .

    我这些天 开始 早起 自己做个改变。

  • But I want to get up early for mass tomorrow .

    不过我 明天 早点 弥撒。

  • If you do it tonight it will save you ( from ) having to get up early .

    你假如今晚做这事,明天早上你就不 早起了。