


  • The Tang Dynasty was a blooming period of women ′ s toilette especially in painting eyebrows .

    唐代是妇女 妆饰十分繁盛的一个时期,尤以眉妆为最。

  • However infrared face recognition which are not easy to affected by the toilette skin color expression and pose can heavily avoid the shortage of the face recognition . Infrared face recognition has been an important branch in biological feature recognition .

    而红外人脸识别 独立光源,且不易受 伪装、肤色、表情和姿态的影响,可以很大程度上避免可见光人脸识别的不足,已经成为生物识别技术中的一个重要方向。

  • The collection includes an Eaux de Toilette in three sizes a body lotion as well as a cuff bracelet containing a solid perfume that will come out in May .

    这个套装包括一支三种不同毫升的淡香水、一瓶身体乳液和一个含有香水膏的开口 &这款香镯将于 明年5月推出。

  • Once you know the culture of the company then you can start to add ( or not ) these items to your morning toilette .

    一旦你清楚了某公司的文化后,你才可以在早晨 化妆 (或不) 装饰

  • The daughter wore the Grande toilette stood in the entrance with good manners waited her mother home and greeted in english .

    女儿身穿 礼服,端庄的站在门口,用英语迎接妈妈回家。

  • Do you have this Eau De Toilette with an atomizer ?

    有喷瓶装的这种 香水吗?

  • When the ladies were separating for the toilette he said to Elizabeth Do not make yourself uneasy my dear cousin about your apparel . Lady Catherine is far from requiring that elegance of dress in us which becomes herself and daughter .

    娘儿们 正要 各自 打扮 时候,他又对伊丽莎白说:不要为衣装担心 ,亲爱的表妹。咖苔琳夫人才不会要我们穿得华丽呢,这只有她自己和她的女儿才配。

  • In the dining-room they were soon joined by Mary and Kitty who had been too busily engaged in their separate apartments to make their appearance before . One came from her books and the other from her toilette .

    他们走进饭厅不久,曼丽和吉蒂也来了,原来这两姐妹都在自己房间里忙着各人自己的 ,一个在读书,一个在 化妆因此 没有能够早一些出来。

  • If we dress monkey by force with grand toilette that is constituted by Emperor of Zhou the monkey must be unrestful and tear it into pieces .

    如果我们勉强为猴子穿上 周公制定的礼服,猴子必定感到全身不舒服,非得将之撕的粉碎而后快。

  • At the little ceremonies of the bath and toilette she assisted with enthusiasm .

    在洗澡与 穿着 打扮这些小小的活动中,她热情地进行帮助。

  • When one passed near her her whole toilette exhaled a youthful and penetrating perfume .

    当人们走过她身边,她的全身 衣着吐着青春的 那种强烈香气。

  • I use the eau de toilette from Issey Miyake !

    我可是用了“三宅一生”的淡 香水

  • Fly around and get me the same toilette .

    到处去给我找到一样的 香水

  • Face recognition system will be affected largely by the variations of the light pose emotional expression toilette legerdemain of images and so on .

    光照条件变化、人脸姿态变化、人脸表情、 化妆、照片欺诈等都会对可见光人脸识别系统造成很大的影响。

  • Grande toilette may enhance your status .


  • Please dress according to our party theme and we will choose one best toilette from male and female team .

    请根据 花样 年华的主题来 扮靓 自己阿拉将从男女 嘉宾 选取一名最佳 着装者,并 颁发奖品。