toll collector

[tol kəˈlɛktɚ][təul kəˈlektə]


  • The person who collects fares on a public conveyance . The toll collector still had not appeared .

    在公共运输中收费的人员。那个 收费 仍然不见影子。

  • We have designed the hardware based on single chip and FRID which will be used in the bus as toll collector which is proved feasible and economical .

    并针对公交车载 收费系统设计了基于单片机硬件电路,证明了该方案是具有可行性和经济性的。

  • The highway toll collector system was researched by using the finite automata theory .

    利用有穷自动机理论研究了高速公路 收费 收费系统。

  • Application of Single-chip Bluetooth Module in Bus Automatic Toll Collector

    单芯片蓝牙模块在车载自动 收费 中的应用

  • According to the reuse of the expressway network toll data the toll amount prediction by car type amount the classification to fraud toll collectors and solve the integer linear programming problem of toll collector job scheduling are the three application solution examples .

    在高速公路联网收费数据的再利用中,根据分车型车流量预测收费额、对收费员进行作弊分类和求解 收费 排班这个整数线性规划问题是遗传规划的三个应用算例。

  • This Paper introduce the design and realization of IC Card toll collector system based on standalone environment To lay stress on the solution of reporting the loss of card Data protection and balance .

    介绍了单机工作环境下IC卡 收费 管理系统的设计与实现方法,重点介绍了单机系统的挂失、数据保护和结算问题的解决方案。

  • The solution result of the toll collector job scheduling problem shows that the integer linear programming method based on GP is effective and the solution result of the example in this paper is better than GA method .

    收费 排班问题的求解表明,基于遗传规划的整数线性规划问题求解方法是有效的,本例中遗传规划的求解结果就优于遗传算法的结果。

  • Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Expressway Toll Collector Based on Traffic Flow Prediction

    基于流量预测的高速公路 收费 动态配置模型

  • The Design and Realization of IC Card Toll Collector System Based on Stand-alone Environment

    单机工作环境下IC卡 收费 管理系统的设计与实现

  • In addition the job scheduling of toll collector is an integer programming problem and integer programming is a kind of typical NP hard problem which is solved usually by genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

    此外, 收费 排班是一个整数规划问题,而整数规划属于典型的NP难解问题,本文采用了基于遗传规划的整数线性规划问题求解方法来解决 收费 排班问题。

  • Auto Express-way Toll Collector System

    高速公路自动 收费系统

  • The toll collector still had not appeared .

    那个 收费 仍然不见影子。

  • Research on Wireless Acquiring Technique for Bus Automatic Toll Collector

    公交车自动 收费 无线采集技术研究