

n.番茄,西红柿[俚语] 美女

  • We only have tomato juice and apple juice today .

    我们今天只有 蕃茄汁和苹果汁。

  • Add tomato paste salt and pepper to taste .

    酌量添加 番茄酱、盐和胡椒粉。

  • Berti 's clear tomato soup is deliciously light

    伯蒂做的 西红柿清汤清淡可口。

  • For instance the cheese and tomato sauce are added to the traditional Cheese food ;

    在一些传统的中国菜中,添加了奶酪和 番茄酱。

  • It is made with fresh minced meat cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce .

    这道菜用鲜肉沫加洋葱和浓郁的 番茄酱做成。

  • It is a bacon tomato and lettuce sandwich .

    那是一个有腌肉、 蕃茄和莴苣的三明治。

  • Can I have a glass of tomato juice ?

    可以给我一杯 蕃茄汁吗?

  • You can buy tomato plants at the nursery .

    你可以在苗圃买到 番茄苗。

  • I ordered orange juice but this is tomato juice .

    我订橘子汁,但你送来了 蕃茄汁。

  • The drop in temperature frosted the tomato plants .

    气温下降冻坏了 番茄苗。

  • Bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon and bacterial canker of tomato are both international and national quarantine diseases of China .

    西瓜果斑病和 番茄溃疡病都是我国对内和对外的植物检疫性细菌病害。

  • There 's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce .


  • I sat on the tomato and squashed it .

    我坐在了 西红柿上,把它压扁了。

  • Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it

    诺尔曼切开自己的派,往里面挤了点 番茄酱。

  • Look ! Peas carrots beef and tomato soup .

    看!豌豆,胡萝卜,牛肉和 西红柿汤。

  • I 'd like a tomato and cheese pizza .

    我想要一个 西红柿和奶酪比萨饼。

  • Serve a bowl of warm tomato sauce on the side for dipping if desired .

    如果你喜欢,可以上一碗热 番茄调味汁来蘸着吃。

  • I was a tomato actually .

    实际上我是个 番茄

  • Chicken Noodle Tomato and Onion .

    鸡汤面、 蕃茄和洋葱。

  • Brown sauce and tomato puree with onions and mushrooms and dry white wine .

    褐色沙司和 番茄泥,掺洋葱、蘑菇和干白葡萄酒。

  • Orange juice or tomato juice tea or coffee toast with butter or jam eggs with bacon .

    提供橙汁、 番茄汁、茶和咖啡,各类土司搭配黄油和果酱,培根鸡蛋。

  • I 'll have tomato juice waffles scrambled eggs and tea .

    我要 番茄汁、夫饼、炒鸡蛋和茶水。

  • Scatter the tomato over then dress the salad .


  • Braised chicken with onions and mushrooms in a wine and tomato sauce .

    鸡肉和洋葱、蘑菇在葡萄酒和 番茄沙司里炖制。

  • Study on effect of irrigation and fertilization on yield and fruit quality of greenhouse tomato

    灌溉和施肥对温室 番茄产量和品质影响效应的研究

  • The extraction process of lycopene with tomato skin as raw material has been studied .


  • It may be caused by different demand of cucumber and tomato for water .

    这可能与黄瓜和 番茄对水分的要求不同有关。

  • And tomato and cucumber salad .


  • I 'll have a grilled cheese and tomato on whole wheat and a chocolate milk shake .

    我要一份烤奶酪,面包夹 番茄和巧克力奶昔。

  • The name may come from Chinese tomato juice .

    这个名字可能和汉语中的 番茄汁相关。